7 Mistakes Made After a Car Wreck | California Car Wreck Lawyer

California Car Wreck LawyerMany people who are involved in a car accident are not prepared for the aftermath or how to handle the situation. Attorney Group for California has organized this guide to help both individuals who have recently been injured in an accident as well as those who wish to inform themselves of the mistakes to avoid following a car wreck. If you have any questions, contact us today.

1. Getting upset or losing control. While it is understandable to be stressed, upset, and possibly even a little scared, try to remain calm and collected. Treat the other driver and passengers with respect, and answer police questions to the best of your ability.

2. Forgetting to take pictures. It is a good idea to keep a disposable camera in the car in the event of an accident. Document everything, including the damage and position of the cars, the injuries, witnesses and bystanders, and any other detail that might seem important. Pictures provide a more accurate description of events and aftermath than relying on memory.

3. Accepting an insurance settlement. It is important to seek legal counsel from a California car wreck lawyer so that you understand your options. If you accept an initial insurance settlement, it could be less than what you may be entitled to. By accepting this offer, you forfeit your right to recover damages for any lasting injuries or conditions in the future.

4. Not calling your insurance provider. Your insurance provider cannot pay out a claim that it doesn’t know existed. You may be fearful of a rise in insurance rates, but it is necessary to inform your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible in order to make sure procedure is followed properly.

5. Declining medical care. Regardless of the extent of your injuries, a medical evaluation from your doctor can help to verify your injuries and overall condition. Should you wish to file a lawsuit in the future, your doctor’s report can help to determine your long-term prognosis and medical costs.

6. Publicizing the wreck. Keep in mind that the defense attorney or insurance adjuster may attempt to find your public profiles to see if you are telling the truth about the accident or your injuries. It is usually best to avoid publicizing details about an accident on any form of social media.

7. Forgetting to recover a police report. A police report will be one of the most important pieces of evidence that you will supply if you choose to pursue a claim for compensation. The report will document the accident, the damages, injuries, and other pertinent information to solidify your case.

Do You Wish to Speak to a California Car Wreck Lawyer?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car wreck, consider contacting Attorney Group for California. We want to help you understand your options if you are involved in a car wreck. We can provide you with a free case evaluation and connect you with an affiliated California car wreck lawyer who can assist you throughout the legal process. Contact us today to learn more.
