Talcum Powder and Cancer: What is the Connection?

California-Talcum Powder and CancerIf you have been injured while using talc-based products, contact Attorney Group for California for more information about pursuing a talcum powder and cancer claim. We are investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of women who used talcum powders, body powders and other products and allegedly developed ovarian cancer as a result. Although several groups have petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to remove several of these products from the market, the FDA has not yet taken action.

The statute of limitations is a law that places a time limit on pursuing a claim in relation to some form of wrongful conduct. In California, a plaintiff must file a personal injury or product liability lawsuit within two years of the date on which the injury occurred. If you have used talc-based products and were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Attorney Group for California can review your case, help you determine if you have a claim, and connect you with an affiliated attorney in California who can help you seek the compensation to which you may be entitled.

Is Talc Dangerous?

Talcum powder is made out of a mineral called “talc.” Talcum powder can be found in a variety of beauty aids, cosmetics and household products and has been proven to be extremely useful due to its ability to absorb moisture, thus preventing irritation and chafing in the genitals. However, studies have determined that there may be a potential link between talcum powder and cancer.

In the 1970s, researchers found that talc contained asbestos, another type of mineral that, when inhaled or ingested, may cause mesothelioma. However, for more than four decades, talc-based products have been free of asbestos, but other dangers have become apparent. In several studies, researchers analyzed ovarian tumors in women using talcum powder and found evidence of talc particles within the tumors. Scientists concluded that long-term, repeated exposure of talcum powder may force particles to travel inside the woman’s vagina and up into her ovaries where they settle; the ovaries may become inflamed and irritated as a result, and cancerous cellular changes may occur.

Women may consider filing a talcum powder and cancer lawsuit in California if they developed ovarian cancer while using one or more of the following products:

  • Diaphragms
  • Body and facial powders
  • Tampons, sanitary napkins
  • Condoms
  • Vaginal deodorants and feminine washes

First Talcum Powder and Cancer Lawsuit Verdict Reached

In October 2013, a verdict was announced for the first-ever talcum powder and cancer lawsuit. A federal jury in Sioux Falls, South Dakota found that the plaintiff had developed ovarian cancer while using a product for more than three decades that was manufactured and marketed by Johnson & Johnson. The plaintiff maintained that regular use of the product caused her to develop the condition and, had she known about the potential risks associated with the product, she would have chosen an alternative instead.

Johnson & Johnson is accused of failing to warn the public and medical communities of the risk of ovarian cancer in women as well as neglecting to update the warning labels on several of their products to reflect the potential dangers. According to the plaintiff, Johnson & Johnson had knowledge of the risk of ovarian cancer and other side effects for several years yet did not act upon reports of complications.

File a Talcum Powder and Cancer Lawsuit in California Today

Have you or someone you love used talc-based products for several years and were later diagnosed with ovarian cancer? Attorney Group for California can discuss potential claims on behalf of those who feel they were injured due to talcum powder, baby powder or other possibly dangerous products containing talc. Contact us today for your free, no-obligation consultation and to determine whether you have a case. If you decide to seek damages for your condition, we can connect you with an experienced attorney in California who can file a talcum powder and cancer lawsuit on your behalf.
