Januvia Lawsuit

California Januvia Lawsuit
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration first approved Januvia, or sitagliptin, in October 2006. The drug’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., created the medication to help patients with type 2 diabetes gain better control of their blood sugar levels. The oral drug was classified as a DPP-4 inhibitor that works to increase the patient’s insulin production and was the first of its kind. Studies have shown that Januvia may increase a patient’s risk of developing pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis following the first dose and after each time a dosage is increased.

Januvia Overview

According to Merck & Co., Januvia was created to help increase the body’s insulin production by directly targeting the pancreatic cells and affecting the incretin system. However, several studies have concluded that Januvia may also help to stop the body’s natural reaction to fight off cancerous cells leading many to agree that Januvia may cause adverse health complications such as thyroid and pancreatic cancers and pancreatitis.

Merck Faces Januvia Lawsuits

Plaintiffs who have taken Januvia and allegedly suffered from side effects claim that Merck neglected to conduct additional studies in time as required by the FDA in order to assess its product’s safety and efficacy. As a result, the possibility of finding life-threatening complications or side effects before the drug was released to the public was greatly reduced. Plaintiffs filing Januvia lawsuits allege that if Merck had acted according to the FDA’s order, it would have had knowledge of the risk of cancer in Januvia patients and would have had the opportunity to withhold the drug from the market until it was determined to be safe.

Many patients who were diagnosed with pancreatitis were not immediately aware of the condition; they claim that they were unaware that the symptoms they were experiencing were severe. In fact, many believed that these complications were normal side effects of the medication. If you suffered from vomiting, nausea, increased or irregular heart rate, decreased interest in food or severe abdominal and back pain, you may be eligible to file a California Januvia lawsuit and hold Merck responsible for compensation for your injuries. Contact Attorney Group for California today to learn more.

FDA Requests Januvia Label to Be Revised

The FDA has reportedly received evidence that Januvia causes inflammation and pre-cancerous cell changes in tissues they obtained from Januvia patients. The agency has acknowledged that they will be launching an investigation into Januvia and other similar medications to determine the potential relationship between the drug and pancreatic cancer.

The FDA asked Merck to revise the drug’s warning label in September 2009 to reflect the potential for patients to develop pancreatic cancer. The agency asserted that consumers must have adequate knowledge about the risks and side effects of a medication before determining whether or not a particular drug is right for them. Merck was also instructed to inform the medical community of these risks and to remind them to monitor patients for signs of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.

However, these warnings may have come too late as thousands of patients both in California and across the globe had already taken the medication for type 2 diabetes. As a result, many are filing Januvia lawsuits against the manufacturer, alleging that the company withheld information and failed to perform adequate research prior to releasing the drug to consumers.

Contact Us Today to Determine Whether You Have a California Januvia Lawsuit

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer during or following treatment with Januvia, you may be eligible to file a Januvia lawsuit in California and hold the manufacturer responsible for compensation for your condition. Attorney Group for California can answer questions about claims that the medication is defective, unsafe and causes life-threatening complications. We can address your concerns and connect you with an affiliated California lawyer who can file your Januvia lawsuit. Contact us today for your free consultation.