California Premises Liability Attorney

California Premises Liability Attorney

Owners of properties, whether they are residences or places of business, have the responsibility to make sure that their premises are relatively safe to the best of their knowledge and do not pose any risks or dangers to consumers or to the general public. However, not all property owners follow through with ensuring that their locations are safe, and a California premises liability attorney exists to help those who are injured hold the property owner responsible for appropriate compensation should they sustain injuries due to the owner’s negligence.

Property owners will have varying obligations depending on federal, local and state laws. However, the fundamental idea is the same: These owners must keep their buildings and grounds safe for both patrons with business at the location as well as for authorized visitors. Should a property owner fail to ensure safety to the best of his or her ability, innocent people may sustain serious injuries. Premises liability cases often include slips and falls, insufficient security, staircase accidents, defective sidewalks and electrocution or electricity.

Slips and falls, the most common of the premises liability accidents, can occur due to:

  • Poor weather conditions resulting in rain, sleet or ice
  • Lack of secure areas around swimming pools
  • Wet or slippery floors
  • Poor lighting
  • Broken stair rails
  • Torn carpet
  • Uneven steps or floors
  • Cracked sidewalks

It becomes clear that each premises liability case in California may become complicated as most are caused by more than one factor. If you have been injured, it is important to seek legal counsel from a California premises liability attorney to discuss your case and hold the property owner responsible for negligence such as leaving snow or water left on walkways, using defective electrical wiring, choosing poor construction materials or knowingly violating building codes.

Property owners must also inspect their buildings and properties regularly for any risks or hazards that could result in injury and inform patrons or visitors of these dangers before taking action to fix the issues. If a property owner does not act quickly or ignores hazards, he or she may be held responsible for injuries sustained to individuals on their premises.

Do You Need a California Premises Liability Attorney?

If you or someone you love suffered from an injury such as broken bones, electric shocks or burns or if you experienced a head, spinal cord or neck injury, contact Attorney Group for California. We can provide you with a free case evaluation to determine whether you have a claim and connect you with an affiliated California premises liability attorney who can help you file a lawsuit.