If you have been involved in an incident and you sustained burn injuries due to the fault of another, contact Attorney Group for California to learn more about your legal rights. Due to the severity of accidents that often result in these injuries, a burn injury attorney will need to review your case and act quickly to determine who should be held responsible for compensation for your condition.
According to U.S. Vital Statistics, more than 450,000 emergency room visits each year in the U.S. are due to burn injuries. After receiving treatment in the emergency room, more than 45,000 patients will require additional treatments and care at burn centers or will need to be admitted to facilities for care for several months or years following the incident. Unfortunately, statistics show that 3,500 individuals with burn injuries will die each year as a result of their condition.
Although the prognosis for a burn injury victim is favorable, many will require long-term rehabilitation and medical intervention. Additionally, some may suffer from brain damage, permanent disfigurement and a loss of physical ability, depending on the extent of their injuries. Burns may result from several factors, the most common of which include exposure to chemicals, steam, electrical shock, scalding liquids and fires.
A California burn injury lawyer can help the victim recover damages from those responsible for the accident. Possible forms of compensation to which the plaintiff may be entitled include physical pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, emotional distress, disfigurement, lost wages, disability and medical expenses.
It is important to seek legal counsel from a California burn injury lawyer so that he or she may investigate the accident to determine the cause and seek the appropriate compensation. In some cases, more than one party is responsible for the incident and may be held responsible for compensation for your injuries. Smoke, explosions, steam and fire events may occur due to one or more factors and without an experienced California burn injury lawyer on your side, you may find it difficult to determine who is truly at fault.
Seek Legal Counsel from a California Burn Injury Lawyer
If you or someone you love sustained burn injuries and you required extensive medical treatment or long-term care, reconstructive surgery or pain management, you may be eligible to pursue a claim and seek compensation for your injuries. Contact Attorney Group for California today to learn more about your legal rights and recovering damages for your medical expenses, lost income if you have been permanently injured and you are unable to return to work and any long-term care costs. We can connect you with an affiliated California burn injury lawyer who can help you pursue a claim.