According to the manufacturer of the da Vinci robot, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., its surgical system is designed to provide patients with several benefits over traditional surgery procedures. These benefits are said to include smaller incisions, quicker recover times, reduced blood loss, and less pain compared to other types of surgery. However, despite the high-performance vision system, the robotic arms, EndoWrist instruments, and ergonomic console for the surgeon, the da Vinci robot has allegedly caused unnecessary and painful injuries.
If you or someone you love would like to learn more about filing an Iowa da Vinci robot lawsuit, contact Attorney Group for Iowa today for a free case evaluation. We can help determine if you are entitled to file an Iowa da Vinci robot lawsuit against the manufacturer to recover damages for your injuries.
During a Da Vinci Procedure
During a da Vinci surgical procedure, the surgeon sits behind a console that features a joystick-like device that he or she moves to operate the arms of the robot. The technology of the da Vinci Surgical System transforms the surgeon’s movements at the console into tiny, micro-movements of the robotic arms. According to the manufacturer, more than 1,371 of the 2,000 medical facilities that offer the da Vinci robot are located within the U.S. The system, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000, was the first of its kind approved for gynecological procedures, prostate removal surgeries, and soft-tissue procedures.
However, it came to the attention of the medical community that the two-day training classes for which Intuitive offered to pay were too short and were not completely effective at showing surgeons how to safely operate the device. Still, Intuitive Surgical claims that it provided a comprehensive training process to ensure that the hospitals surgeons gain enough experience in the field of robotic-assisted procedures.
Intuitive Surgical Named in Lawsuits
Consider seeking legal counsel to file an Iowa da Vinci robot lawsuit if you suffered from damage to your bowels, excessive bleeding, a cut ureters, burns, or other complications following a da Vinci surgery. Plaintiffs who are currently pursuing claims against the manufacturer allege that the robotic arm may accidentally cut, cauterize, or burn nearby tissues because the electricity within the arm may not be entirely contained. Other da Vinci surgical patients have reportedly experienced injured vaginal cuffs, blood vessels, arteries, bowels, bladders, and ureters.
Since January 2012, more than 500 adverse event reports have been sent to the FDA involving the da Vinci robot. According to those adversely impacted, the device’s manufacturer withheld information about the risks and possible dangers associated with the da Vinci Surgical System. In fact, several plaintiffs have asserted that they were not entirely informed of the potential hazards and, had they been, they may have chosen an alternative surgical method.
Eligible to File an Iowa Da Vinci Robot Lawsuit?
If you or a loved one suffered from unnecessary burns, internal bleeding, or other problems following a da Vinci-assisted surgical procedure, you may be eligible to recover damages for your injuries by filing an Iowa da Vinci robot lawsuit. Contact Attorney Group for Iowa today to learn more about your legal rights and to schedule a free case evaluation. We can put you in contact with an affiliated attorney who can help you to file your Iowa da Vinci robot lawsuit. He or she can work to help you potentially recover damages for pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages.