The devastation that can result from an airplane accident is often more catastrophic than the consequences of car or motorcycle accident. Due the speed, size, and weight of airplanes, many airplane accidents result in fatalities and life-threatening injuries. An Iowa airplane accident attorney can help those injured in airplane accidents to recover damages for their conditions if the incident occurred due to the fault or negligence of another party.
While some victims may not feel as though an Iowa airplane accident attorney is necessary, obtaining legal counsel can help increase the likelihood of receiving compensation for the damages or injuries caused. Aviation law is often complex, and injured individuals may be entitled to hold more than one party responsible for the accident, including:
- Other passengers
- Airline employees, including the pilot
- The owner of the airplane
- The individuals responsible for maintaining the aircraft
- The manufacturer who may have produced a defective part
- Commanding agencies
Keeping this in mind, it is relatively easy to see how complicated airplane accident lawsuits can be. A plaintiff and his or her Iowa airplane accident attorney must be able to show that the accident happened after another party acted out of negligence and that it was this act that directly caused the incident. An Iowa airplane accident attorney can contact insurance companies, attempt to recreate the scene of the airplane wreck, and help you determine who is responsible for your injuries.
You may also be entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim on behalf of a loved one if he or she died following injuries or complications in an airplane crash. Contact an Iowa airplane accident attorney today to determine whether you are eligible to recover damages for funeral expenses, debts, or medical treatments that your loved one incurred as a result of the wreck. The time to file a wrongful death lawsuit is limited, so it is important you act today to ensure you have the best chance of receiving the compensation to which you may be entitled.
Do You Need an Iowa Airplane Accident Attorney?
If you or someone you love has been injured in an airplane accident, consider seeking legal counsel from an Iowa airplane accident attorney today. Attorney Group for Iowa understands how severe airplane accidents can be, and we can help to answer your questions and address your concerns. We can provide you with a free case evaluation and help determine if you are entitled to recover damages for your injuries. We can also put you in touch with an affiliated Iowa airplane accident attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.