It is important to seek legal counsel from an Iowa whistleblower lawyer if you believe you have evidence that your employer or another entity is committing acts of fraud against the government. In a free, no-obligation consultation, Attorney Group for Iowa can help you determine whether you are eligible to work with an affiliated attorney who can file a qui tam lawsuit on your behalf. Call today for more information.
As a whistleblower, you may be eligible to recover compensation for bringing acts of fraud to light. The False Claims Act protects whistleblowers in the event that the qui tam lawsuits they may file result in harassment, mistreatment, or retaliation from their employers. Whistleblowers have the legal right to bring fraud to the government’s attention and, in doing so, may be able to receive compensation for attorneys’ fees, decreased work hours, back pay, and other damages resulting from the employer’s attempt to fight back.
A qui tam lawsuit may be filed if an individual or company is believed to have purposefully overcharged the government or billed the government for items or services it never received. Additionally, if a company is believed to have made false, misleading, or inaccurate statements to avoid paying debts or to receive money to which they are not entitled, the company will be required to pay back this money to the government if the qui tam lawsuit is successful.
Consider working with an Iowa whistleblower lawyer if you believe you have evidence or information of your employer or another entity defrauding the government. If a qui tam lawsuit is successful, whistleblowers are eligible to recover anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of the government’s total recovery. Most qui tam lawsuits involve fraud against Medicare, pharmaceutical companies, or the Department of Defense
Get Connected With an Iowa Whistleblower Lawyer
Attorney Group for Iowa can provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation to determine whether you have a case. If you do, we can connect you with a local affiliated Iowa whistleblower lawyer. He or she can file a qui tam lawsuit on your behalf and work to help you recover the award to which you may be entitled. Call today.