Common Mistakes After a Car Wreck | Texas Car Wreck Lawyer

Texas Car Wreck LawyerThose who have been injured in a car wreck in Texas may wish to seek legal counsel to learn more about their options if they believe that the accident was caused by negligence. To help drivers be aware, Attorney Group for Texas has compiled a list of the most common and important mistakes to avoid making after an accident. If you have additional questions, contact Attorney Group for Texas today.

1. Not documenting the car accident and injuries. Taking pictures will likely be one of the last things on your mind. However, if you are not critically injured, it’s important to document the scene of the accident to the best of your ability to use later on as a reference if you decide to pursue a claim.

2. Not remembering to inform your insurance provider. Your insurance provider will need to be made aware of the accident in order to pay your claim for vehicular damage, injuries, and other benefits tied to your policy.

3. Disrespecting the other driver or police officers. No matter the circumstances of the accident, it is best to avoid fighting, arguing, and lashing out at the other driver. Treat law enforcement with respect to avoid additional problems.

4. Posting details on social media. Don’t use Twitter, Facebook, or other social media networking sites to discuss the accident. There’s a chance that your words could be used against you if they got into the hands of the other party’s legal counsel.

5. Underestimating the value of a doctor’s report. If you need to prove the extent of your injuries, a doctor’s report will be solid evidence to verify your condition, prognosis, and treatments. You can also use the report to verify medical expenses, treatment costs, and other medically related damages.

6. Taking the first settlement that you receive. By doing so, your case will be closed, and you won’t be able to file a lawsuit to recover damages for any additional injuries that may develop or worsen over time. Contact a Texas car wreck lawyer about any settlement questions you may have before you sign anything.

7. Throwing away the police report. Even if you’re not sure if you will be pursuing a claim, hold on to the police report, as it can be one of the most important pieces of evidence you bring to the table when you are trying to prove fault in a car accident.

Consider Working with a Texas Car Wreck Lawyer to Pursue Your Claim

Contact Attorney Group for Texas today for a free case evaluation, and if you decide to pursue your claim, we can connect you with an affiliated Texas car wreck lawyer who can be of further assistance. Contact us today for more information.
