Arkansas Byetta Lawyers Discuss Dangers of Byetta

Arkansas Byetta Lawyer






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Byetta, a popular medication for those with type 2 diabetes, has helped many to better manage their blood glucose levels. However, plaintiffs throughout the U.S. are filing claims against the manufacturer, alleging that the medication caused serious and adverse side effects. In one particular study analyzing the effect of Byetta on 1,269 type 2 diabetes patients, 87 out of 145 participants diagnosed with pancreatitis were Januvia or Byetta users. If you have been injured while taking Byetta, contact an Arkansas Byetta lawyer who can help you to pursue a claim and seek compensation for your condition.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allegedly received 78 adverse event reports from Byetta users claiming that they were diagnosed with kidney damage while taking the medication between 2005 and 2008. During this same period of time, 62 claims of kidney failure were also submitted to the agency as well as 30 claims of pancreatitis in those with type 2 diabetes. However, despite growing concerns of adverse side effects, 7 million prescriptions were filed for the medication in 2008 alone. Out of 38,730 claims submitted to the FDA in 2012, 1,733 of these cases involved pancreatitis. Additionally, Byetta has allegedly caused 375 deaths.

As is the case with nearly every medication on the market, Byetta has been linked to several less severe side effects such as fever, abdominal pain and nausea. Unfortunately, however, plaintiffs are filing claims to seek compensation for their injuries, alleging that the drug caused pancreatic, liver and thyroid cancers as well as pancreatitis and complete kidney failure. Those who are injured may be entitled to pursue a claim with assistance from an Arkansas Byetta lawyer. If you have lost a loved one and you feel the death was directly attributed to Byetta, you may also be eligible to file a wrongful death claim on his or her behalf.

An Arkansas Byetta Lawyer Can Help You Today

At Attorney Group for Arkansas, we will provide you with a free case evaluation if you or a loved one suffered from adverse side effects while taking Byetta. We will help answer your questions and help you determine if you have a valid claim. We can connect you with a professional Arkansas Byetta lawyer who will work to see your claim throughout the legal process and help you to file for the compensation to which you may be entitled. Contact Attorney Group for Arkansas today for your free consultation.

