Arkansas Lawyers Advise Car Crash Victims

Car accidents can happen suddenly, leaving you confused, hurt and frightened. What do you do next? By following some simple steps after you are in a car crash can help to ensure that you and any other injured passengers have a solid foundation for a lawsuit should the accident result from the negligence of another driver. Contact Arkansas lawyers who can guide you and work with you to ensure you receive the most compensation possible.

Arkansas lawyers car crash

The most common driver errors that lead to car crashes include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Improper lane changes
  • Driving off the road
  • Driving too fast or under the influence
  • Not yielding the right of way
  • Rear ending the car in front

Fortunately, Arkansas lawyers exist to help you through the steps necessary to maximize your chance of building a strong case and obtaining compensation for your injuries and damages.

What Should You Do?

Immediately following a car crash, your first concern should be the health of you and your passengers. You should assess yourself and other occupants for injuries and contact the police to let them know if you need emergency medical responders. Always allow medical personnel to evaluate your condition as your health is of top priority. However, because many symptoms are not immediately apparent, you may consider seeking medical attention after a car crash to be evaluated for serious health conditions such as a traumatic brain injury. Your next step should be to get in touch with Arkansas lawyers affiliated with Attorney Group for Arkansas.

Police must document the circumstances surrounding the car crash as objectively and accurately as possible. As the driver, you should always cooperate with law enforcement officials and answer their questions thoroughly and honestly and to the best of your ability. If you decide to file a personal injury claim with Arkansas lawyers related to the car crash, these police reports can play a vital role in establishing your case.

Additionally, you should always be prepared to provide factual, accurate information to your insurance company. It is important, however, that you do not admit fault to anyone including the insurance company representing the other driver, your own insurance provider, or the police.

What Happens After an Accident?

Following an accident, it is important that you obtain as much documentation as possible surrounding the circumstances of the car crash. Arkansas lawyers will advise you to obtain the names and contact and insurance information for the other driver involved in the crash. Additionally, be sure to note the names and contact information for bystanders or witnesses who may be able to back up your claim.

Arkansas lawyers will want to make sure that you record the make, model, and license plate numbers of the cars involved. For added security, many drivers who are involved in car crashes also write down the vehicle identification numbers (VINs) of the other vehicles to ensure that they have concrete information about the other driver. Also be sure to note general information about the conditions when the accident occurred such as the weather, the driver’s physical condition including possible intoxication and any obstructions you may have noticed.

Arkansas lawyers may advise you to take videos or photos if possible to solidify the claims of car damage and resulting injuries. In general, the more information and details you can gather at the time of the accident, the more likely you will be to make a strong claim against the other driver.

What Not to Do

Do not, under any circumstances, talk to the other driver or admit fault to anyone. Do not make statements to the insurance agents who represent the other driver. Avoid signing any documentation that you may receive from insurance companies without first consulting with Arkansas lawyers who are trained and experienced in handling car crash lawsuits.

Insurance companies will make every attempt they can to minimize the payouts, so in car crashes that involve wrongful death or personal injury, it is vital that you have knowledgeable Arkansas lawyers on your side who can work through the steps with you to ensure that you receive the most compensation you can.

Contact Us for Assistance

If you or someone you love has been injured or has had your vehicle damaged in an accident, it is imperative that you consult with Arkansas lawyers at Attorney Group for Arkansas. There are certain precautions and steps you must take to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation possible, and our Arkansas lawyers will work with you to ensure that the process is followed correctly. You may be entitled to receive compensation for injuries, medical bills, mechanic bills and lost wages. Contact us today.
