Arkansas Semi Truck Lawyers Discuss Recent Semi Truck Death

Arkansas Semi Truck LawyerAlthough auto accidents are a risk that drivers take every time they get behind the wheel, not driving is simply not an option for many in today’s society. Unfortunately, if you or your family are involved in an accident involving a semi truck, the consequences can be much more devastating than crashes involving normal passenger cars due to the sheer size and weight difference between the vehicles.

If you or a loved one are injured in a semi truck accident, it is important to contact an Arkansas semi truck lawyer who can review the incident, assist you in determining whom should be held accountable for the crash, inform you of your legal rights and if necessary help you to file for the compensation to which you may be entitled.

Semi Truck Fire Causes Fatality

On January 14, 2014 in Little Rock, Arkansas, an 18-wheeler reportedly overturned in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 30 at Baseline Road and caught on fire. According to officials with the Little Rock Fire Department, the driver was killed.

The Little Rock Fire Department stated that the truck was headed eastbound on the highway when it veered to the right, hit a concrete barrier and subsequently jackknifed, catching on fire as it jumped over the concrete barrier and halted on an adjacent service lane.

The 70-year-old driver reportedly died at the scene. Around 9:10 a.m., the time of the accident, the weather was clear and the road was dry. Traffic was delayed while officials investigated the crash, but the wreckage was eventually cleared and the hazardous materials that had spilled from the truck were cleaned up. Interstate 30 reopened to all traffic by 10:30 a.m. after being closed down, save for one lane.

Accidents May Have Multiple Causes

Much like in accidents involving passenger cars, semi truck crashes can have multiple causes. Whether the driver is operating the semi truck under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the driver is not focusing on the road, there are hazards in the area of which the driver fails to take notice or there is a product defect with the truck itself, an accident can occur due to any number of causes. For this reason, it is important to consult with an Arkansas semi truck lawyer to determine who should be held accountable for the incident and how compensation can be sought.

For example, perhaps the driver acted out of negligence and is responsible for failing to maintain control of the vehicle or the driver’s employer had placed unreasonable scheduling demands on the driver, forcing him to speed in an effort to make a deadline. In other cases, the company that loaded the cargo into the semi truck may have done so incorrectly, causing the weight to shift inside the truck in an unsafe manner and making it top-heavy and more prone to rolling.

Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to hold the driver, his employer, the truck manufacturer, owner of the cargo, or even the entity responsible for maintenance and inspecting the truck, accountable for the accident. Additionally, an Arkansas semi truck lawyer can assist you if the driver was operating the truck as an independent contractor and if he had no formal employer. These are all examples of steps an Arkansas semi truck lawyer would take.

In many cases, drivers feel as though they can adequately represent themselves in court against the driver. However, insurance companies and the other parties simply want to settle the claims for the least amount possible. An experienced Arkansas semi truck lawyer who is not afraid to face large trucking corporations may be beneficial for those who are unsure of the terms and conditions that often come with settlements following semi truck accidents.

Injured? An Arkansas Semi Truck Lawyer Can Help

If you or a loved one were involved in an auto accident with a semi truck, consider contacting Attorney Group for Arkansas to learn more about your legal rights. We will answer your questions to the best of our ability and help you to determine if you have a valid claim. We will also connect you with an affiliated Arkansas semi truck lawyer at no cost to you if we feel that you have a case. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your situation, you may be entitled to recover damages for pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses.

