The Latest in Arkansas Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys may be able to help you if your life has been turned upside down from complications associated from the use of transvaginal mesh devices (TVMs). These products, designed to relieve discomfort and embarrassment, have instead caused an even greater degree of pain and shame for many women. Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys are highly experienced in litigation related to product liability and defective products. They can assist you in pursuing legal options that may be open to you, including filing Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
Vaginal Prolapse and Transvaginal Mesh
Vaginal prolapse, is a condition in which the network of muscles and ligaments around the vagina weaken to the point that they are no longer able to hold pelvic organs in place. As a result, organs like the uterus, bladder, rectum and even the small intestine move within the abdominal cavity. In extreme cases, these organs may even begin to protrude from the vaginal opening itself. This can cause extreme pelvic discomfort as well as problems with urination, defecation and sexual functioning. Vaginal prolapse can be caused by childbirth, hormonal changes that occur during menopause or as the aftermath of hysterectomy.
In the early 1990s, a medical manufacturing company called Vesica Medical pioneered the use of surgical mesh for the surgical treatment of female urinary incontinence. In 1996, Vesica was acquired by a company called Boston Scientific that used its incontinence treatment as a model for a device called the ProteGen Sling, designed to treat female stress urinary incontinence. The Food and Drug Administration approved the ProteGen Sling without requiring any clinical trials of its efficacy. The FDA was deluged with so many reports from women who had the device inserted that by 1999, they ordered the ProteGen Sling to be taken off the market. These women complained of bleeding, chronic infections, and internal injuries, and Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits, along with others, were soon to follow.
Nonetheless, all TVM products on the market today are based on the ProteGen Sling. A loophole in FDA guidelines called the 510(k) clearance rules allows devices that are similar to devices that are already on the market to be sold without the usual FDA approval process. TVM devices were fast-tracked with the full knowledge of the FDA. Qualified Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys can help you identify all the parties responsible for manufacturing and distributing the defective product that put you at risk.
In 2011, the FDA began posting advisories regarding the use of TVM devices, warning users of their serious risks. While the FDA has yet to issue a product recall, several TVM device manufacturers including including Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon division and C.R. Bard have voluntarily pulled their products from the market. Patients with TVM devices can protect their legal interests by consulting with experienced Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys.
Transvaginal Mesh Complications
Transvaginal mesh is used to bolster damaged vaginal walls, which helps pelvic organs to stay in place and relieves pressure on the bladder. TVM slings are inserted into the vagina in a surgical procedure. In 2010, over 75,000 TVM prolapse procedures were performed. Approximately 10% of these surgeries were failures from the start, and some medical experts say that all TVM devices will develop complications in time. If you have suffered complications associated with TVMs, Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys can advise you on your legal options, which include filing Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits.

TVM complications can include:
- Organ perforation: The FDA has identified organ perforation involving the bladder, the bowel, the urethra and the vagina as one of the most serious complications associated with TVMs. Between 2008 and 2010, FDA records show that three women died as a result of organ perforation associated with TVMs.
- Mesh erosion: For many women, TVM begins to break down in only a matter of a few weeks or months. This breakdown requires a surgical revision. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to remove a TVM device in its entirety. Many women are forced to undergo multiple TVM revision surgeries. Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys have helped many of these women with the legal complexities related to TVM erosion.
How to File Arkansas Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
Numerous Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits have been filed to date by women who have been injured by TVM devices, and even more nationwide. Many of these Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits have been combined into a multidistrict litigation suit under the U.S. District Court of West Virginia and in state court in New Jersey. If you are experiencing complications secondary to the surgical placement of a transvaginal mesh device, you have legal rights. Experienced Arkansas TVM lawsuit attorneys can review these rights with you and help you obtain compensation you may be entitled to under the law. Don’t miss your chance to add your voice to the Arkansas transvaginal mesh lawsuits. Contact our office today.