FELA Railroad Lawsuits
Due to the numerous work-related injuries as well as deaths involved in the railroad industry, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act, FELA, was issued by Congress in 1908. Under FELA, the railroads have the responsibility of providing safe work environments for their employees. This also includes required safety measures to be taken involving their equipment, tools and working conditions. The railroad is held liable to the injured employee if an employee is hurt because of the carelessness of another employee or if the railroad fails to implement the required safety measures. If you or a loved one has suffered work-related injuries or wrongful death while working on the railroad, contact Attorney Group for Arkansas today. We will match you with one of our affiliated FELA railroad lawsuit attorneys to discuss your case and decide the best course of action to take to get you and your family the best outcomes.
Steps to Follow After a Railroad Injury
According to employer safety rules on the railroad, you, your supervisor and your foreman are required to get a statement as to how your injury happened from your work-related accident immediately. If possible, it is also helpful to speak with an experienced FELA attorney prior to making that statement, although this is usually not possible in most situations. However, it is very important that you include in your statement that the accident was caused by the railroad either doing or failing to do something. It is also very important to include in your statement that you followed all safety rules applicable at all times, used due care and that your actions did not play any part in what caused your injury. You must report the accident immediately following the injury so they cannot say your injury could have happened off the job. Do not be talked out of reporting your injury immediately for any reason, even if your boss is trying to keep a clean safety record. If you were not able to contact a FELA railroad lawsuit lawyer immediately after your accident, you should do so as soon as possible.

One of the most dangerous industries still today is the railroad industry, but not all railroad related injuries or deaths are caused by accidents. Many employees of the railroad are diagnosed each year with illnesses relating to their lungs due to their exposure to many harmful substances and materials. Years of exposure to chemicals, diesel fumes, asbestos, PCBs, dust particles and cleaning agents often times cause a variety of lung conditions. Many times, these types of illnesses are progressive, debilitating and untreatable. When a railroad employee’s injury is in any way related to the carelessness or negligence of the railroad company, the railroad will be held liable for those injuries.
Arkansas FELA Railroad Lawsuit Attorneys
When a railroad company fails to provide a safe working environment, proper warnings or sufficient protective equipment and training, the railroad has failed to fulfill their legal responsibilities. When you or a loved one has suffered a work-related injury on the railroad because a railroad company was reckless or negligent in some way, contact Attorney Group for Arkansas today. There is a statue of limitations of 3 years from the time of injury with FELA law to file a lawsuit. Our affiliated FELA railroad lawsuit attorneys are here to discuss your case and defend your rights. Contact us today.