In the business world, the actions of one company can sometimes affect an entire market, positively as well as negatively. This is especially true in agricultural industries, where the price of each commodity is determined by several factors, including the current demand and availability. Several farmers are blaming one company, Syngenta, for actions that they say caused the price of corn to plummet. Affected farmers and exporters who have suffered losses as a result of Syngenta GMO corn may be eligible to file a lawsuit with the help of an Indiana Syngenta lawsuit attorney.
For more information, contact Attorney Group for Indiana today. Our consultations are free, confidential and without any obligation on your part. We can help answer your questions, and if you choose to pursue a claim we can connect you with an affiliated Indiana Syngenta lawsuit attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.
Why Are Farmers Filing an Indiana Syngenta Lawsuit?
The IndyStar reports that lawsuits have been filed against Syngenta by about 3,000 farmers in Indiana. The farmers purchased seeds from the company and, after growing the corn, learned that China had rejected U.S. corn shipments upon discovering the seeds were genetically altered. Farmers claim that they were led to believe by the company that the corn would be accepted in China, one of the U.S.’s top importers.
Syngenta denies the allegations, blaming the delay of approval on politics. The rejection of the corn caused the price to drop down in 2014 to about $350 for 100 bushels – a steep reduction from the $700 farmers were getting in 2013. As such, even farmers who never bought the genetic seed say they were still impacted and are seeking to hold Syngenta responsible for their loss of revenue. On the list of U.S. states that produce corn, Indiana holds the No. 5 spot.
Genetically Modified Corn Seeds
According to Syngenta’s official website, corn seeds can be modified to handle extreme conditions and produce better results. Some types of seed will be more drought resistant by growing strong roots and offering a moderate yield. Others may be adapted to climates in different areas, such as short, strong stalks for windy plains. Still others are modified to resist diseases and parasites that can wreak havoc on plant populations.
The specific seed involved in the lawsuit is Agrisure Viptera, a product that claims to provide a larger yield of a higher quality corn by lowering the corn’s chances of being contaminated by aflatoxin and mycotoxin. It is also engineered to resist specific insects such as armyworm, cutworm and corn earworm, which live above ground.
How Has This Affected the Market?
AG Web states that Syngenta continues to claim the genetic changes made to their corn have actually provided protection against losses in yield and quality, thereby benefiting farmers. However, several companies are complaining of individual losses of millions of dollars; one feed company is claiming that the GMO seeds cost them $41 million, while another company is claiming losses of over $90 million. Overall, it is estimated that over $1 billion in losses has been caused to the corn industry by Syngenta’s actions. One attorney called the results of Syngenta’s decision to sell GMO corn seed before receiving import approval “economically devastating to U.S. corn farmers.”
Syngenta Lawsuit Claims
Feed Navigator reports that some of the cases filed against Syngenta will be heard in bellwether trials. As such, they will be less public once discovery is begun. The process will probably take several months but may lead to a settlement between the seed company and the corn farmers. Syngenta had tried to get the lawsuits dismissed by the court previously but failed. However, that has not stopped the company from objecting to the bellwether process.
Syngenta has been accused of using the objections to prolong the case further, according to some of the plaintiffs. It is further suspected that the company may try to get the court to dismiss some of the cases that have been selected with claims that there are issues with the selection process itself.
How an Indiana Syngenta Lawsuit Can Help
Farmers who have lost money as a result of Syngenta selling genetically engineered corn seed are filing Syngenta GMO corn lawsuits. Whether or not a farmer used GMO corn seed, their harvest may have been contaminated, rejected or sold at a lower price as a result of Syngenta’s actions. Plaintiffs include exporters, corn farmers, brokers, grain silos, resellers and others involved in the corn chain of distribution. Corn farmers who did not use Syngenta corn seed may also be able to pursue a claim.
People who have been affected by Syngenta GMO corn are encouraged to seek the advice of a qualified Indiana Syngenta lawsuit attorney so that they can be informed of their legal rights.
The Time You Have to File a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.
For more information, contact Attorney Group for Indiana. You can fill out the form on this page or contact us by phone or email.
After you contact us, an attorney will follow up to answer questions that you might have. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, and any information you provide will be kept confidential.
Please note that the law limits the time you have to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit for an injury. If you think you have a case, you should not delay taking action.