A Massachusetts Talcum Powder Cancer lawsuit may be an option for women who used baby powder products containing talc and developed ovarian cancer. Talcum powder is a common ingredient used in baby powders, consumer cosmetics and other hygiene products. Despite the product’s popularity and widespread use, there has been an increased risk of ovarian cancer associated with talcum powder. Affected patients and their families may be eligible to file a Massachusetts Talcum Powder Cancer lawsuit and pursue compensation for damages.
For more information, contact Attorney Group for Massachusetts today. Our consultations are free, confidential and without any obligation on your part. We can help answer your questions, and if you choose to pursue a claim we can connect you with an affiliated Massachusetts Talcum Powder Cancer lawsuit attorney who can assist you throughout the legal process.
What is Talcum Powder?
As described by the U.S. Geological Survey, talcum powders are primarily composed of talc, which has a variety of uses throughout many diverse industries. In addition to being an ingredient in cosmetic products, talc also has applications in the creation of plastics thanks to its ability to enhance stiffness. Building materials such as roofing shingles and caulks also feature talc as an essential ingredient. Other uses include paper processing, vehicle components and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
When compared to other minerals, talc is ranked as the softest due to the relatively weak bonds within its cellular structure. It is a mineral that is made up of silicon, water, magnesium and oxygen, and is typically procured via open pit mines within the U.S. Other elements may also be present in mined talc, including iron, titanium, aluminum and manganese.
Talcum Powder Risks
Despite its commonality in consumer products, studies have pointed to a potential risk of ovarian cancer. The American Cancer Society details some of these findings, which have been conducted on both human subjects as well as those utilizing lab animals. While studies involving human exposure to talc have shown mixed results, there has been evidence of an increased risk of cancer associated with long-term usage of talc-based products. Lab studies have also shown an increase of tumor development after talc-exposure in some cases.
Other studies have pointed to a more solid link between talcum powder usage and the occurrence of ovarian cancer. Medical Daily reports on one talcum powder study conducted at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Researchers found the increased “risk of developing ovarian cancer risk by a third” when women use talcum powder for intimate dryness. The results were found by looking at how talcum powder was used by 2,100 women who did not have ovarian cancer and 2,041 women who did.
FDA Survey of Talc Safety
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) addressed concerns about the potential of asbestos to be mixed in with mined talc, since they form near one another. Identifited as a carcinogen, asbestos has been prohibited from consumer products for some time.
Based on concerns over the possibility of contamination, the FDA launched a survey of a limited group of products containing talc. Just 34 consumer products were tested, and only 4 suppliers of talc participated in the survey. Accordingly, the results do not necessarily prove that all talc-containing products currently on the market are free of asbestos.
Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuits
Women who have used talcum powder for feminine hygiene and subsequently developed ovarian cancer have elected to file lawsuits alleging manufacturer negligence. CBS News reports on one case, wherein a woman who had used baby powder containing talc in this manner ultimately succumbed to ovarian cancer. Her family claims that Johnson & Johnson may have been aware of potential risks but failed to pass this information on to consumers.
These claims were further legitimized by an internal memo afforded to the company in 1997, which cautioned that ignoring the potential cancer link was similar to the cigarette industry and its refusal to warn consumers about risks. Foreign agencies, such as The International Agency for Research on Cancer, have also provided warnings about talc as a possible carcinogen.
How a Massachusetts Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit Can Help
Drug makers have a duty to provide safe products. If there are risks of harm associated with their products, they also must provide adequate warnings. If a drug maker fails to fulfill this duty, it could be held liable in lawsuits for injuries that may result.
People injured by bad drugs may be eligible to recover money for:
- Medical Expenses
- Lost Wages
- Pain and Suffering
The families of those who have died may be eligible to recover money for funeral expenses and the pain that comes with losing a loved one.
The Time You Have to File a Claim is Limited. Contact Us Today.
For more information, contact Attorney Group for Massachusetts. You can fill out the form on this page or contact us by phone or email.
After you contact us, an attorney will follow up to answer questions that you might have. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, and any information you provide will be kept confidential.
Please note that the law limits the time you have to pursue a claim or file a lawsuit for an injury. If you think you have a case, you should not delay taking action.