Could You Be Eligible for a Mississippi Pradaxa Lawsuit?

Mississippi Pradaxa LawsuitPradaxa, manufactured and marketed by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, gained approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2010. According to the drug’s manufacturer, the product was designed to prevent or lower the risk of strokes and blood clots in those with certain conditions. However, according to plaintiffs filing claims across the country, Pradaxa may cause serious and adverse complications such as cerebral, internal and gastrointestinal bleeding as well as death.

Court documents report that over 100 plaintiffs have come forward to file claims against the manufacturer and seek compensation for internal bleeding and other life-threatening health conditions. If you have suffered while taking Pradaxa and you feel you have a claim, contact an attorney to learn more about filing a Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuit. You may be entitled to seek compensation for hospitalizations, treatments and other medical expenses as well as pain and suffering, lost wages and loss of earning capacity.

What is Pradaxa?

Pradaxa, initially intended to prevent blood clots in those needing hip and knee replacement procedures as well as those living with atrial fibrillation, acts as a blood thinner. However, Pradaxa and other anticoagulants may potentially increase a patient’s risk of internal bleeding. If you feel you have a claim, contact an attorney to file your Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuit today.

Is Pradaxa Safe?

According to allegations made by those suffering side effects, Pradaxa may increase the risk of internal bleeding as the medication is designed to stop the body’s natural clotting process. While most anticoagulants share this side effect, Pradaxa may be considered more dangerous than others as its manufacturer has not yet released an antidote to reverse these anticlotting effects.

If you have suffered from internal bleeding while taking Pradaxa, you may be entitled to file a Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuit claim and seek compensation for your injuries. The following symptoms may indicate severe bleeding as noted by those allegedly injured while taking the medication:

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual flow
  • Unusual, frequent or easy bleeding
  • Bloody or dark-colored vomit
  • Prolonged bleeding from gums or cuts
  • Pink or dark-colored urine
  • Persistent or unusual weakness or fatigue
  • Fainting or dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Tarry, black or bloody stools
  • Frequent or persistent nosebleeds

While thousands have taken Pradaxa successfully with little or no adverse effects, the FDA has allegedly received 542 reports of fatalities in patients taking the medication. Although the main allegation in pending lawsuits is internal bleeding, other potential side effects include abdominal pain or discomfort, GERD, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and gastrointestinal ulcers. If you have suffered from any one of these conditions, contact an attorney experienced in handling Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuits to learn more about your legal rights and recovering compensation for your injuries.

A judge has scheduled five bellwether trials, three of which will take place in 2014 and two of which will be held in 2015. These proceedings will allow both parties time to gauge and predict the outcome of future Pradaxa lawsuits. If either party notes a pattern in settlements, it may decide to continue moving forward or settle the claims outside of the court.

Considering Filing a Mississippi Pradaxa Lawsuit Claim? Contact Us Today

Have you or someone you love taken Pradaxa and you later suffered from serious side effects or complications? Contact the Mississippi Attorney Group to learn more about filing a Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuit and seek to recover damages for your injuries. We will provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation and help you to determine if you have a claim. We will connect you with experienced attorneys who will handle your Mississippi Pradaxa lawsuit and help you to seek the compensation to which you may be entitled.

