Woman Seeks Help from Mississippi Lipitor Lawyer

Mississippi Lipitor LawyerLast July, a Mississippi woman filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, Inc., claiming she developed Type II diabetes as a direct and proximate cause of adverse Lipitor side effects.

According to the initial complaint filed by a Mississippi Lipitor lawyer, the plaintiff maintained ideal body weight and led an active life prior to starting Lipitor in December of 2009.  After several years of taking the drug to prevent heart disease, she received a diagnosis of Type II diabetes in April 2012.

Hers is just one of many similar situations conveyed in lawsuits across the country. The majority of the lawsuits share the same primary claim:  Pfizer committed fraud and breached an implied warranty and contract by failing to warn of life-threatening adverse Lipitor side effects.

How Lipitor Diabetes Lawsuits Developed

Atorvastatin calcium is a synthetic compound developed to decrease the production of liver enzymes that secrete low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) into the bloodstream. Sold under the trade name Lipitor, the drug falls into a chemical classification called “statins.” An estimated 21 million Americans take statins to regulate LDL levels, including 25% of all U.S. residents older than 45.

Despite popularity that placed Lipitor in first position as one of the best-selling prescription medicines of all time with gross sales revenue of $130 billion, evidence of a direct link between Lipitor and Type II diabetes began emerging shortly after the drug’s initial market debut in the late 1990s.

One recent study was conducted by the Women’s Health Initiative in 2012.  Published findings revealed a 50 percent higher incidence of new-onset diabetes among postmenopausal women taking daily statins than female non-users in the same age group.

Based on that and numerous other prestigious research reports, the FDA released a Drug Safety Communication in February 2012 to warn of adverse Lipitor side effects.  Not long before that publication, the FDA had requested updated package labeling to disclose all health risks associated with statins like Lipitor.  However, Pfizer reportedly failed to comply for several months.

Could You Have a Mississippi Lipitor Lawsuit?

If you are a Mississippi resident and have been diagnosed with diabetes during or after Lipitor use, get in touch with Attorney Group for Mississippi to arrange a free initial consultation. We can discuss your situation and help you understand your legal options, as well as help you determine if you have a claim. If you decide to file a lawsuit, we can connect you with an experienced affiliated attorney. Contact us today to learn more.
