Patients who have been fitted with a Biomet M2a Magnum hip implant and later suffered from complications may be eligible to file a New York Biomet hip lawsuit against the manufacturer and recover damages for their condition. According to pending lawsuit claims, plaintiffs allege that the Biomet M2a Magnum was defectively designed, and patients are currently working with personal injury attorneys throughout the U.S. to seek compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses.
Patients File Biomet M2a Magnum Lawsuits
According to plaintiffs, the two metal parts that make up the M2a Magnum can potentially rub together if the patient is performing daily activities such as walking or bending. As a result, these individuals may be more likely to suffer from metal poisoning if the friction causes metal shards to be released into the bloodstream. If you experienced one or more of the following complications, consider seeking legal counsel for more information about filing a New York Biomet hip lawsuit:
- Bone disintegration
- Chronic pain
- Metal poisoning
- Tissue death
- Permanent disability
- Early device failure
- Revision or removal procedures
- Formation of pseudotumors
Are Metal onMetal Hip Implants Safe?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reportedly been investigating the safety and effectiveness of metalonmetal hip implants since February 2011. In January 2013, the FDA announced that it had found that the moving of two metal parts in many of these hip replacement devices can increase a patient’s risk of metallosis and can severely damage the bones and tissues surrounding the implant.
The FDA has also suggested that all recipients of metalonmetal hip implants seek medical attention to undergo blood testing and routine laboratory exams to analyze the amount of cobalt and chromium ion levels in their bodies, regardless of whether they are noticing complications.
Many critics argue that these devices should have never been approved, yet they were placed on the market via the FDA’s 510(k) clearance process. This method allows manufacturers to receive FDA approval without conducting extensive testing on the devices if they can demonstrate that the implants are similar in design and function to another that has already been approved.
Recently, however, the FDA has suggested that metalonmetal hip implants be exempt from the 510(k) approval process, and the agency may require all manufacturers to submit their hip implants through clinical trials and testing before it will place its seal of approval on a particular device. While this is a positive turn of events for those who have yet to receive a metalonmetal hip replacement implant, it does little to help those who have already been adversely affected by these devices.
Do You Have a New York Biomet Hip Lawsuit? We Can Help
Have you or someone you love been fitted with a Biomet hip replacement device and suffered from adverse side effects or complications, or had to undergo revision surgery? If so, you may be eligible to file a New York Biomet hip lawsuit and seek compensation for your injuries. Attorney Group for New York can inform you of your options and help you determine if you have a New York Biomet hip lawsuit claim. There is no cost to speak with us, and we can connect you with one of our affiliated attorneys who can help you pursue your New York Biomet hip lawsuit claim and assist you in recovering the damages to which you may be entitled.