The Federal Employer’s Liability Act was established in 1908 and was intended to protect railroad workers in conjunction with liability laws in the U.S. Railroad workers are often at an increased risk of sustaining injuries or dying while on the job, as thousands of 10,000-ton trains carrying chemicals, grains and goods pass through these areas. A New York FELA lawyer can help you or a loved one if you have sustained an injury that you believe occurred due to the fault or negligence of another.
If a worker incurs medical expenses or if he or she incurs wage loss, experiences pain and suffering or is permanently or partially disabled, he or she may be able to seek compensation for these damages under FELA law. While workers’ compensation typically covers injuries that happen on the clock, a worker may consider consulting with a New York FELA lawyer if he or she does not receive the appropriate compensation to cover these expenses or if he or she believes that the employer or its insurance company is not acting in good faith.
In the past, many railroad companies have tried to eliminate FELA and its regulations because they often do not wish to pay out any more than necessary to their workers. Additionally, many employers have their own team of adjusters and others whose sole responsibility is to protect the company from liability lawsuits. As a result, filing a lawsuit against an employer may prove to be difficult, but a New York FELA lawyer can review your case and discuss your options. Common railroad-related injuries include complications or hearing loss from exposure to chemical solvents as well as traumatic injuries.
If you developed mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos or you suffered from another occupational disease due benzene or welding fume exposure, you may also be more likely to develop a serious or chronic health condition. For this reason, it is important to seek legal counsel from a New York FELA lawyer who can interview medical experts and help show that the actions or negligence of the responsible party led to you developing your condition.
Contact a New York FELA Lawyer Today
Attorney Group for New York provides free case evaluations to individuals who have sustained injuries while performing work on a railroad. Contact us today to be connected to a FELA lawyer who can help you determine whether you are eligible to seek compensation from those responsible for your injury. We can help answer your questions and place you in contact with an affiliated New York FELA lawyer who can help you recover the damages to which you may be entitled.