While a bicycle accident can occur due to product defects such as faulty tires or brakes, a common cause of bicycle accidents in the U.S. is driver negligence. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, two percent of all traffic deaths involve bicycle accidents. The NHTSA reports that 69 percent of these accidents involved males, and nine percent of deaths were children under the age of 14.
A driver may be more likely to cause a bicycle accident if he or she:
- Opens the car door without noticing a bicyclist traveling alongside the car
- Speeds past bicyclists
- Drives while distracted
- Drives under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Fails to adhere to traffic laws and regulations
- Fails to see a bicyclist in the blind spot
Unlike vehicles in which motorists are protected by the car itself, bicyclists have little between themselves and other motorists. As a result, bicyclists are always at an increased risk of sustaining injuries or death, and these individuals may be eligible to work with a New York bicycle accident lawyer to learn more about their legal options.
In some cases, more than one party may be held responsible for the incident, including the motorists, the manufacturer of the bicycle, the mechanic responsible for inspecting the car, the retailer of the bicycle or the manufacturer of the parts on the bicycle. For example, if a car swerves in front of you while you are riding your bicycle and your brakes sudden fail to work, you could potentially pursue a claim against the manufacturer of the bicycle and the other driver if he or she was driving under the influence or was otherwise acting out of negligence.
For this reason, it is important to seek legal counsel from a New York bicycle accident lawyer who can help determine if you have a case and assist you in holding the appropriate parties responsible for compensation for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the bicycle accident, you may be eligible to seek compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses and other damages you might have incurred following the bicycle accident.
Do You Need Help From a New York Bicycle Accident Lawyer?
If you or someone you love has been injured in a bicycle accident and believe that negligence was the cause, you may be eligible to recover damages for your condition. Contact Attorney Group for New York for more information about pursuing a claim. We can review your case, free of charge, and help answer your questions. We can also connect you with an affiliated New York bicycle accident lawyer who can assist you in seeking the compensation to which you may be entitled.