Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers

Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers | Hit By a Semi-Truck in Tennessee: What Do I Do?

Nashville, Tennessee is known for many events: the Nashville Film Festival, the Country Music Association Awards, the Tennessee State Fair and the Country Music Marathon. If you happen to be in town for one of these major happenings or are simply visiting family or passing through, the last thing that is on your mind is the chance you may get into a trucking accident. However, Nashville, TN is home to many major trucking corporations and the risk of being hit by a semi-truck always exists. Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers are ready to consult with you for free if you are unfortunate enough to be in one of these accidents in TN. Call or fill out a form for immediate help.

Fortunately, if you were to be involved in an accident involving a semi-truck, the process for filing a claim is similar to a two-sedan accident. However, the only difference is that in these commercial accidents, you may be entitled to sue more than one person. Knowledgeable trucking accident lawyers can help you to determine how to proceed.

Should I Only Sue the Driver?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Yes, in a regular car accident, you would always sue the driver and possibly even the owner of the vehicle, even if he wasn’t riding in the car at the time of the accident. In a commercial trucking accident, you may certainly sue the driver, but there may be other individuals who were involved that you may file against as well. Additionally, in some situations, it may be better for you to file against the employer and not the driver.Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers

If the driver was working at the time of the accident, you may sue the employer as well. Employers often take full responsibility for the actions of their employees while they are working, so you may be able to obtain additional compensation in this way. Other parties may also be involved, including a lessor or a second company who owned the shipment in transport.

However, Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers may suggest that you only sue the company and not the driver. This may seem confusing as you most certainly want the driver to pay for his mistakes or errors. Your lawyer will most likely remind you that the purpose behind a lawsuit is to get as much compensation for your injuries as possible and sometimes, suing the driver simply won’t suffice. A jury may feel sympathetic to the driver, yet they may have more firm emotions towards a faceless trucking corporation.

You May Still Sue an Independent Contractor

Even if a driver works for himself and has no formal employer, you are still entitled to sue him in the unfortunate event of an accident. The driver is an independent contractor, transporting goods or products for a company in exchange for pay. Your lawyer will want to examine the contract between the two parties, and he will be able to determine if the company should be held accountable for the driver’s actions as well. In freelance situations, many companies do not take responsibility for the actions of the independent contractor, but it will be in your best interest to investigate the contract just to be certain.

Contact Our Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers

Have you or someone you know been seriously injured in a semi-truck accident? Are you suffering from medical injuries and an insurmountable stack of bills as the result of another driver’s negligence? If so, contact our Tennessee Trucking Accident Lawyers. At Attorney Group for Tennessee, our knowledgeable, experienced lawyers can look into your case and help you to file a lawsuit against the driver, his employer and any other parties who may have held an active contract with the driver. We will work with you to ensure that you are fully compensated and that you receive every penny you deserve.
