Tennessee Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
In the early 1990’s, pharmaceutical companies began marketing plastic mesh devices designed to correct urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse in women. While these devices initially appeared to offer a quick and effective cure, very little research was conducted on overall safety, and the result has been an influx of Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
In the years that followed, the US Food and Drug Administration received thousands of complaints of serious complications. The Tennessee TVM lawsuit attorneys are representing scores of women as they file Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits throughout the state in an effort to hold manufactures accountable for the pain and suffering caused by these products.
About Transvaginal Mesh Devices
As women age, the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis can become stretched. Over time, these connections may become so loose that internal organs, such as the bladder and uterus, actually fall into the vagina. In addition to the obvious discomfort, this can also result in a loss of control over urination. Millions of women throughout the United States suffer from this condition, thousands of whom opted for the TVM implant, and hundreds more have since found the need to file Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
The idea behind transvaginal mesh devices was derived from a similar product used to repair abdominal hernias. A piece of flexible, woven plastic is implanted into the patient thereby providing an artificial method of supporting the internal organs. Surgeons began cutting cut individual pieces of the abdominal mesh and implanting it into the vagina. As the procedure grew in popularity, a new surgical technique was developed making it less invasive. Pharmaceutical companies began to develop and market mesh devices and specialized instruments for vaginal use.
What Leads Women to File Tennessee Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits?
Initially, the FDA approved the mesh due to manufacturer claims that it essentially the same product as the abdominal mesh, which has a high efficacy rating. It was classified as a Type II medical device, allowing the makers to bypass safety testing. In the meantime, the pharmaceutical companies marketed the product as a new and improved treatment to surgeons all across the United States.

However, it soon became apparent that women were suffering from serious complications. In 2008, the FDA issued an initial alert. By 2011, the products were officially recommended for use in only the most severe cases. The Tennessee TVM lawsuit attorneys commonly see complaints of mesh erosion resulting in severe pain and infection. In many cases, the mesh did not cure the prolapse. More dangerous side effects include a puncture of the bowel or bladder.
Recent studies cite the frequency at which problems occur—anywhere between 7% and 20%. Half of these cases are managed with hormone and antibiotic therapy, while the remainder require more surgery to correct. Tennessee TVM lawsuit attorneys consult with clients who have filed Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits at any stage of treatment.
Tennessee TVM Lawsuit Attorneys Advocate for Victims
Tennessee TVM lawsuit attorneys are poised to advocate for Tennessee’s women. Due to the large volume of Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits against various pharmaceutical companies, the cases have now been condensed into a single multi-district suit in the US District Court of West Virginia.
Attorneys point to past Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits and others as evidence of possible outcomes. In the case of Gross v. Gynecare, Johnson and Johnson was recently ordered to compensate a woman over $11 million in punitive and compensatory damages. Many of the complications associated with transvaginal mesh are lifelong and may require extensive treatment.
How You Can File Tennessee Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits
If you are the recipient of a TVM device and are experiencing any of the associated side effects mentioned above, be sure to contact Attorney Group for Tennessee for a free, completely confidential consultation that will determine whether you can join the Tennessee transvaginal mesh lawsuits. There is a statute of limitations which could affect your right to an award or settlement, so don’t wait—contact us today.