We’re Tennessee ATV accident lawyers ready to represent you in cases involving all terrain vehicles. We know from experience that these accidents can be devastating, leaving families emotionally crushed and facing financial hardship. If you or someone you care about has found themselves injured in an four wheeler accident, you need to contact an attorney immediately.

In the event of vehicular accidents, there’s only a small window of opportunity to effectively gather all the information needed to prepare a strong defense. While it may seem unreasonable when there’s the stress and concern for loved ones, there also has to be consideration of a future that could entail extensive medical bills, loss of wages, out of pocket expenses, pain and suffering and disruption of lifestyle. Minor injuries today may turn into major ones when you least expect it. It would be prudent to contact Tennessee four wheeler accident lawyers as soon as possible so that you’ll have an advocate, ready to represent the best interests of you and your loved ones.
In the heat of the moment, we don’t necessarily maintain the clear head that we need. That makes perfect sense, but you’d be amazed how many legal cases have been hurt by the lack of immediate action that could’ve turned a claim in the plaintiff’s direction. Prompt medical attention should be the priority, yes, but someone should be gathering as much information about the accident as possible. Information about all participants and witnesses at the scene, advising you of whom you should be speaking to, keeping in mind that a lawsuit has to be filed within a specific time period following the accident, etc.
As Tennessee ATV accident lawyers, that’s our job!
In 2010, there were over 100,000 injuries involving ATVs. These victims and their families suffered the emotional, physical and financial turmoil that these incidents leave in their wake. An experienced attorney that can approach the situation with clarity would be an invaluable asset. You would be able to focus on the care and well-being of the victim while we tackle the tough issues and make sure that if someone needs to be held legally responsible for your circumstances, we will use every law allowed to see that that’s exactly what happens.
Why You Need Help From Tennessee Attorney Group
As experienced Tennessee four wheeler accident lawyers, we know there are many reasons for these accidents, including driver inexperience, lack of proper gear, improper vehicle positioning, operating the ATV under the influence. Common results include property damage, abdominal injuries, abrasions, paralysis, broken bones, lacerations and fractures. Head, brain and spinal injuries are a major result of many ATV accidents.
Sorting out the responsibility for an four wheeler accident isn’t a straightforward matter. Only Tennessee ATV accident lawyers have the exacting resources to put all the pieces together. Unless there’s criminality involved, all the police will do is file a report. The insurance companies will do everything in their power to protect their assets. Only Tennessee four wheeler accident lawyers will protect your interests, holding guilty parties responsible and ensuring any compensation deserved comes your way.