Whistleblowers are often considered to be the public’s watchdogs in industries
and businesses vital to our safety, health, daily lives, and financial wellbeing. Reporting fraud against the U.S. government is an important public service. Sometimes, whistleblowers who file qui tam lawsuits to bring these acts of fraud to light may be entitled to 15 to 30 percent of any recovery made by the government.
However, while you may be able to earn a reward for filing a qui tam lawsuit, doing so may also bring about retaliation on the part of your employer or another accused party. Fortunately, the False Claims Act exists to protect whistleblowers from any harassment that may come their way after filing. If an employer attempts to retaliate, it may be forced to pay the whistleblower’s legal fees, attorneys’ expenses, lost wages, back pay, and more.
Over the past 20 years, these qui tam lawsuits have become critical tools to combat fraud in the defense-contracting and healthcare industries. Common examples of fraud against the government include knowingly charging the government for goods and services it did not receive and making false statements to avoid paying a debt or to receive money that is not actually due.
Contact a Tennessee Whistleblower Lawyer Today
If you would like to learn more about bringing actions against an allegedly fraudulent party with help from a Tennessee whistleblower lawyer, contact Attorney Group for Tennessee today. In a free, no-obligation consultation, we can determine whether you are eligible to file a qui tam lawsuit and possibly receive a financial reward for the valuable information you divulge. Call today.