While it is common practice to monitor a mother and child throughout a pregnancy for signs of distress or complications, it is even more important that a physician carefully watch both the mother-to-be and the baby during labor and delivery. Should the life of either be placed at risk at any point in time, the physician has the responsibility to act accordingly to reduce the risk in accordance with the applicable standard of care.
However, while childbirth can be one of the most important days in the lives of the parents-to-be, the long-awaited event can turn tragic if the physician injures the child. If a doctor neglects to diagnose forms of fetal distress such as hypoxia, the child may suffer from brain damage, nerve damage, cerebral palsy, or death. Some factors which may make labor and delivery more difficult include:
- A premature birth
- The size of the mother’s pelvis
- A large baby
- The baby’s position
Cerebral palsy, one of the most common birth injuries, can occur due to physician negligence and may have a lifelong impact on the child. The condition develops when the infant’s brain does not receive enough oxygen during labor and childbirth, and it is characterized by poor muscle condition, inhibited body movements, and other neurological disorders. If you delivered a baby with one or more of the following birth injuries, you may consider working with a Colorado birth injury lawyer to learn more about your options and pursuing a claim for compensation:
- Forceps marks
- Swelling of the child’s scalp
- Brain injuries
- Erb’s Palsy
- Bone fractures
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage
- Bruising
- Facial paralysis
A Colorado birth injury lawyer can help you determine if your physician was negligent during your labor and delivery. Your attorney can also help you to file your birth injury lawsuit and seek the compensation to which you may be entitled. While no amount of compensation is guaranteed, depending on your child’s condition and the circumstances surrounding the injury, you may be eligible to recover damages for his or her long-term care, medical expenses, treatments, hospitalizations, and more.
Contact a Colorado Birth Injury Lawyer Today
If your child was injured during labor or delivery and you feel that your healthcare provider’s negligence was to blame, consider working with a Colorado birth injury lawyer to learn more about your options. Contact Attorney Group for Colorado to receive a free case evaluation and to help you determine whether you have a claim. We can connect you with an affiliated Colorado birth injury lawyer who can assist you in seeking the compensation to which you may be entitled for your child’s injury.