Also known as all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, fourwheelers are useful for both recreation and rescue efforts. However, these products have reportedly been the cause of thousands of injuries each year in the U.S. While some accidents are preventable, others may be caused by irresponsibility or neglect on behalf of the operator or manufacturer. If you or a loved one has been injured in a fourwheeler accident, consider working with a Colorado fourwheeler accident lawyer to determine whether you are entitled to seek compensation for your condition. While the injuries caused by an accident can range from mild to severe, some of the more devastating complications include:
- Facial fractures
- Head wounds
- Broken bones
- Asphyxiation
- Brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Thoracic injuries
- Amputation of limbs
- Wrongful death
According to statistics, there are several types of people who are more likely to be injured or experience complications resulting from fourwheeler accidents, including children, individuals who use ATVs for joyriding, and inexperienced male operators. As a result of death and injury rates, several states have enacted laws that both require operators to undergo training before operating an ATV and require operators to be at least 16 years of age.
While some victims may consider pursing claims on their own against the manufacturers of these vehicles, having a Colorado fourwheeler accident lawyer in your corner may better your chances of receiving compensation. In some instances, victims may be entitled to hold more than one party responsible for their injuries.
If a loved one or relative suffered from complications and later passed away as a result of a fourwheeler accident, family members may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit on his or her behalf. Doing so can help recover damages for funeral or burial expenses, future loss of earnings, medical bills, pain and suffering, and vehicle repairs. While no amount of compensation can take away the pain of losing a beloved family member, pursuing a claim for compensation can help alleviate some of the financial stress and anxiety that you may be feeling as a result of your loss.
Do You Need a Colorado Fourwheeler Accident Lawyer?
Contact Attorney Group for Colorado today for a free case evaluation to help you determine whether you are eligible to work with a Colorado fourwheeler accident lawyer and seek compensation for your injuries following a fourwheeler accident. If you are eligible to file a lawsuit, Attorney Group for Colorado can connect you with an affiliated Colorado fourwheeler accident lawyer who can assist you in recovering the damages to which you may be entitled. Call today.