Eli Lilly and Takeda Pharmaceuticals first introduced Actos in 1999. While the type 2 diabetes drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels, the agency issued a warning in June 2011 to inform of the potential for Actos risks such as bladder cancer. Currently, hundreds of plaintiffs are pursuing claims against the manufacturers for compensation.
Actos Risks: Bladder Cancer
Actos is intended to help the body become more sensitive to insulin and to help the pancreas to stimulate insulin production. While thousands of Actos patients have reported success with the medication, the drug has recently been linked to cardiovascular complications such as congestive heart failure and heart attacks as well as eye injuries and bladder cancer.
Those who are suffering from symptoms of bladder cancer such as painful or frequent urination, frequent bladder infections, or back pain should consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible to determine whether bladder cancer has developed. Additionally, those who have allegedly been adversely affected by Actos may wish to seek legal counsel to learn more about pursuing a claim for compensation if they believe that they were injured and were not adequately informed of the Actos risks.
Manufacturers Face Lawsuits
In June 2014, a Louisiana judge found that Takeda Pharmaceuticals hid evidence of bladder cancer and other potential Actos risks. In the same month, Blue Cross and Blue Shield filed a lawsuit against the manufacturers, claiming that it had paid for its policyholders’ medical expenses and costs due to Actos complications of which the manufacturer should have been previously aware.
Two months prior, in April 2014, an early Actos bellwether trial was resolved after a Louisiana federal court found that Eli Lilly and Takeda Pharmaceuticals neglected to warn the public and medical communities of the potential for Actos risks. The plaintiff received a $9 billion award for punitive damages.
It is important to seek legal counsel if you believe that you have a case. The statute of limitations in Georgia is two years from the date on which an injury or death arising from a wrongful or neglect act occurred. If you fail to pursue your claim within this timeframe, you could forever forfeit the option to seek compensation for your injuries in the future.
Contact Attorney Group for Georgia Today
If you believe that Actos caused you to develop cancer or if you suffered from other complications due to the medication, Attorney Group for Georgia can help. There is no cost to receive a case evaluation, and we can assist you in determining whether you may be able to seek damages in Georgia for your injuries. If you decide to pursue a claim, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney in Georgia who can assist you throughout the legal process.