What is Civil Litigation
Every individual, at some point in his or her life, becomes entangled in a dispute that is impossible to find resolution to without outside help. This dispute may concern a condominium that you own outside of town and whether its parking lot extends too many feet into the next lot. You may be a freelance graphic designer who has lent his or her labor to the design of a logo, but, through ambiguous language embedded in your contract, is not getting the compensation that your work and labor deserve. Or you may have been married for 15 years and are seeking an amicable resolution to a relationship that is no longer viable or desirable to either party. This is where Georgia Civil Litigation attorneys come in.
Since these attorneys seek resolutions to problems within civil relationships, civil litigation is built on statutes and takes place in a civil court of law, not a criminal court. Most civil cases result in a settlement; this is so because the costs and energy to enact a trial are often not in the interest of either party. However, if a particular case becomes especially challenging, or, in the case of medical malpractice, involves numerous clients and highly complex legal actions, the team of trial attorneys work assiduously to litigate the case and negotiate the most reasonable and desirable settlement for their clients. If you feel you have been wronged in a particular business or civil relationship, or are seeking mediation or a more amicable resolution to a challenge regarding property, business, marriage, or employment, you need the experience of Georgia Civil Litigation attorneys who deeply understand the complexity of your Georgia statutes and laws. You also need lawyers with sound, long-standing relationships to other attorneys within the civil court system. The Georgia Injury Attorney Group has both the breadth of legal expertise and the knowledge and attention needed to litigate a variety of cases.
What Georgia Civil Litigation Attorneys Can Do for You
The Georgia Injury Attorney Group’s affiliated Georgia Civil Litigation Attorneys can give legal counsel and offer free consultations for anyone having civil litigation disputes in these and other areas:
DigitalVision/Photodisc/Thinkstock Boundary disputes
- Tort actions, such as assault and battery
- Property destruction
- Fraud
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Mediation
- Contract disputes
- Business incorporation
- Construction lien law
- Fraud
- Hospital or medical negligence
- Employment-related disputes
- Arbitration
If you experience complications due medical procedures, difficulties with housing or business concerns, or have experienced destruction to your property or person, contact Attorney Group for Georgia for a confidential and free consultation. Our consultants provide a compassionate and thorough review of each case our affiliated attorneys receive and encourage all individuals who may seek legal representation for civil claims to contact us as soon as they are able. Statutes of limitations may apply, so contacting an attorney about your particular circumstance in a timely manner is crucial.