Alabama Janumet Lawsuit Attorneys Want You to Know Your Rights

Alabama Janumet Lawsuit AttorneyThose living with type 2 diabetes may be prescribed Janumet to help them to better manage their blood glucose levels. The drug is a combination of sitagliptin and metflorim, the active ingredient in Janumet’s parent drug, Januvia. Although many have taken Janumet and reported little or no adverse health conditions during or following treatment, others are filing lawsuits across the country, alleging that the drug increased the risk of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, among other complications.

If you have received a cancer diagnosis while taking Janumet and you feel the condition is related to the medication, an Alabama Janumet lawsuit attorney can review your case to determine if you have a valid claim.

Janumet Background

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Janumet in 2007 for those living with type 2 diabetes. The drug, a combination of sitagliptin and metflorim, is manufactured and marketed by Merck & Co. and, in 2012 alone, brought in over $1.7 billion in sales, making it one of Merck’s best-selling products.

However, despite many taking the drug with little or no complications, plaintiffs are filing claims against the manufacturer, alleging that the company neglected to warn the medical and public communities about the potential link between the drug and pancreatitis. By failing to take action when the drug’s safety came into question, plaintiffs claim that Merck simply wanted to continue making a profit off of the drug instead of warning others about its potential risks.

Side Effects of Janumet

Janumet was originally touted as a “wonder drug” or a “blockbuster medication” due to the claim of little or no side effects. However, as is the case with most medications, there are several common side effects to be aware of while taking the drug:

  • Cold symptoms including sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Upper respiratory infection
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach

If you have suffered from one or more of the following severe side effects, consider seeking legal counsel from a professional Alabama Janumet lawsuit attorney to learn more about your rights:

  • Fever, chills
  • Peeling, swollen, blistered or red skin
  • Allergic reactions
  • Sore throat
  • Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis, one of the more serious complications, is the swelling or inflammation of the pancreas. This condition is one of the most commonly alleged health conditions by plaintiffs across the U.S. who are currently seeking compensation for injuries. While symptoms of pancreatitis are not always obvious, physicians maintain that chills, fever, abdominal pain and stomach tenderness or swelling may be indicative of the condition.

Acute pancreatitis is also a well-known risk factor for the onset of pancreatic cancer. Clinical studies have reported that Janumet and other incretin mimetics may increase the risk of pancreatic duct metaplasia, or pre-cancerous cell changes in the pancreas. If you have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis or other health condition while taking the drug, an Alabama Janumet lawsuit attorney can help you to pursue a claim and seek compensation for your injuries.

Plaintiffs File Janumet Lawsuits

Janumet and Januvia have both been named in lawsuits by plaintiffs throughout the U.S. According to court documents, due to the increasing number of plaintiffs filing claims, the cases have recently been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL) to be held in the Southern District of California.

The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) has also issued an update to report the filings of an additional 60 claims from plaintiffs following the creation of the MDL. Allegations in these cases include pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis, among other conditions, in those taking Janumet, Januvia, Byetta, Victoza and other incretin mimetics.

Have Questions? Consult an Alabama Janumet Lawsuit Attorney Today

If you have suffered from pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis while taking Janumet and you would like to learn more about your legal rights, contact an Alabama Janumet lawsuit attorney. At Attorney Group for Alabama, we can provide you with a free case evaluation and help answer your questions regarding your legal rights. We will connect you with an Alabama Janumet lawsuit attorney who will work to help you seek compensation to which you may be entitled. You may be eligible to file for damages including loss of earning capacity, lost

