Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Replacement System
Doctors have reported more problems than expected with the Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Replacement. Their patients are complaining of severe pain and some have had to endure additional painful surgeries to fix or repair the hip replacement. Investigations of potential cases are ongoing as a result of issues causing early failure of the artificial hip replacement system. Contact our attorneys at Attorney Group for Alabama to discuss your or a loved ones potential lawsuit.
Problems with Zimmer Durom Cup
In 2006, Zimmer Holdings, Inc. introduced a newer model of an artificial hip replacement called The Zimmer Durom Acetabular Component. However, in 2008, problems with this component were being reported, which prompted an investigation of the Durom Cup. It was found that additional instructions and more training should be given to surgeons before implanting this device.
Lawyers at Attorney Group for Alabama are investigating possible cases for recipients of a Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Replacement who have suffered from one or more of the following:
- Hip pain after 3 months time from hip replacement surgery
- Hip implant loosening
- Revision surgery of the hip replacement
In 2008, suspension of Zimmer Durom Cup sales were implemented by the manufacturer with plans to reintroduce the hip replacement system after further instructions were developed for surgeons to follow to avoid problems associated with the Durom Cup, along with specialized training courses to be completed before implanting this device.

Zimmer Durom Cup Lawyers
Since 2006, approximately 12,000 patients in the United States have undergone a hip replacement surgery implanting a Zimmer Durom Cup Hip Replacement device. Many of these recipients may experience problems with the component such as pain from loosening of the implant and the need for a revision surgery because Zimmer Holdings, Inc. failed to provide doctors with the proper instructions needed to implant their hip replacement adequately. If you are suffering from problems after a hip replacement surgery, contact our attorneys at Alabama Attorney Group so we can review your case. You could be entitled to compensation. Let our lawyers fight for your rights.