Alabama Blood Clot Lawsuit Attorneys and DVT Lawsuit Attorneys (Yaz, Yasmin, NuvaRing, etc)

According to Alabama blood clot lawsuits attorneys, although there are occasions when blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occur naturally with no apparent cause, in many cases there are often preventable contributing factors. When the problem is caused by a defective and unreasonably dangerous medical product, blood clot or DVT lawsuits may be in order.
What is DVT?
DVT occurs when clots develop in the deep veins of the body, most often in the legs. The condition often has no symptoms, although some patients report having pain in the area of the clot, say Alabama blood clot lawsuit attorneys. DVT is a serious condition as clots that develop in other parts of the body can travel to the lungs and can cause blockage of blood flow, a condition known as a pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolisms are life-threatening conditions, and immediate medical attention is critical to survival. This dangerous condition has led patients to file DVT lawsuits due to the belief that the conditions were caused from the medication taken.
Causes of Blood Clots and DVT
One of the most common causes of DVT or blood clots is inactivity. Many of those who suffer from DVT develop the condition after traveling for long periods on airplanes or in vehicles without taking breaks. However, according to medical studies, the use of oral contraceptives is a potential cause of blood clots and DVT in women. Alabama blood clot lawsuit attorneys are finding a growing number of clients interested in filing DVT lawsuits against the makers of many manufacturers of oral contraceptives. One of these manufacturers, Bayer, has already paid more than $1 billion in settlements for DVT lawsuits to women who suffered from DVT after using the oral contraceptives Yaz and Yasmin.
NuvaRing Draws Attention of Alabama Blood Clot Lawsuit Attorneys
In addition to oral contraceptives like Yaz, the birth control device NuvaRing has come to the attention of Alabama blood clot lawsuit attorneys as another suspected cause of DVT in women, leading them to recommend women file DVT lawsuits if they have been injured by the product. In fact, women who used the flexible vaginal ring as a method of birth control have filed DVT lawsuits in several states throughout the country. In some cases, the women claim there were no warnings about the dangers of DVT when they began using the product, and Alabama blood clot lawsuit attorneys say this is grounds for product liability claims. Many of the women claim they would not have used the product had they known that there was a risk of DVT and blood clots.
Symptoms of DVT
Unfortunately, the symptoms of DVT are difficult to recognize, as they are very similar to other health issues. Some symptoms include swelling in one or both legs, pain or tenderness in the legs, especially while walking, skin warmth, red or discolored skin, leg fatigue and visible surface veins. Because a blood clot that breaks free can lead to pulmonary embolism and death, patients who have suffered from the disorder as the result of taking or using contraceptives see a DVT lawsuit as a recourse to recover damages, such as medical costs, when the product they used caused them a condition that may have led to death. For the families of those who died after suffering a pulmonary embolism after using such products, contacting Alabama blood clot lawsuit attorneys is highly recommended to find out if you may have grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit as well.
Bayer Announces Settlements
Recently, Bayer announced settlements had been reached in almost 6,700 DVT lawsuits from patients who suffered blood clots after taking Yaz and Yasmin. The settlements, which total approximately $1.4 billion, do not include an admission of wrongdoing by the company, and Bayer continues to deny a connection between the oral contraceptives and blood clots. According to reports, there are still at least 5,400 DVT lawsuits pending against Bayer. These plaintiffs allegedly suffered from blood clots after taking the medication, and, in some cases, the women suffered strokes when a blood clot traveled to their brains. In one case, a 20-year old woman’s stroke left her with chronic head pain and double vision that could last the rest of her life.
Alabama Blood Clot Lawsuit Attorneys and DVT Lawsuit Attorneys
Some of the women who suffered from blood clots after using the birth control products switched to those methods from other forms of birth control, believing that they were safer alternatives. There was allegedly little or no warning that the products could cause life-threatening conditions, leading to the lawsuits that are now occurring. If you or a loved one has suffered DVT after taking birth control products, or if a loved one has died, a product liability claim or wrongful death lawsuit may be in order. Contact Attorney Group for Alabama today to arrange for a consultation to determine what rights you may have regarding DVT lawsuits.