Category: Featured

Bacterial Outbreaks

Safety Study Ordered By FDA After Bacterial Outbreaks

The FDA is ordering three manufacturers of specialized medical scopes to study how the reusable devices are cleaned following a series of life-threatening bacterial outbreaks at U.S. hospitals. […]

Roundup Herbicide and Cancer

Roundup Herbicide And Cancer Officially Linked

Roundup herbicide and cancer will be officially linked, as California’s Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) has issued plans to list glyphosate, the toxic active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, […]

Semi Truck Crash
Carmen Sorvillo/iStock/Thinkstock

California Semi Truck Crash Claims Two Lives

Trucking accident attorneys note that two people were killed in a California semi truck crash on September 15, 2015. The accident occurred when a semi truck driver plowed […]
