Georgia Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys Caution Patients

Georgia Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys

If while taking the prescription drug Lipitor you or a loved one has been diagnosed with diabetes, contact Attorney Group for Georgia immediately to speak with one of our affiliated Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys. If, after a free consultation, you are eligible, we can possibly help to secure your rights to compensation before the statute of limitations related to your claim runs out.

What is Lipitor?

Lipitor is a statin drug prescribed by doctors to treat cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol. Also known by the generic name atrovastatin, the drug is manufactured by Pfizer. By inhibiting enzyme in the liver that helps to produce cholesterol, the drug works to increase good cholesterol levels and decrease bad cholesterol. The goal is to help prevent heart disease.

Since being approved in 1996 by the FDA, Lipitor sales have exceeded $100 billion, making it the best-selling drug among pharmaceuticals. The original patent issued to Pfizer expired November 2011 and the generic version has continued to be sold on the market.

Warnings from the FDA about Lipitor

A drug safety communication warning was issued by the FDA in February 2012 regarding potential side effects and reactions linked to Lipitor revealed in studies. The FDA required that a warning label be included on Lipitor that provided more information about safety issues with the drug. Included in the warning were medical issues such as:

  • Problems in the liver
  • Blood sugar level increases
  • Confusion and memory loss

An additional safety communication followed this initial warning regarding the interaction between certain protease inhibitors used to combat hepatitis C and HIV, and the statin. The primary focus of this communication was on indications that interactions between the two drugs increased the likelihood of muscle injury, known as myopathy. In severe cases, a patient may develop rhabdomyolysis, which could cause severe kidney damage leading to kidney failure and become fatal.

Studies Linking Statins with Type 2 Diabetes in Women

Besides warnings issued by the FDA, numerous studies have uncovered links between adverse side effects and women who are taking Lipitor. Starting in 2010, The Atherosclerosis study was conducted to review the metabolic effects of statins. The focus was on whether these drugs were the cause of new diagnoses of diabetes in patients. Results showed that the risk of developing diabetes increased with daily doses of Lipitor in patients who did not have pre-existing conditions. As a result, Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys are seeing an increase in cases.


Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneysFurther research in 2011 included two separate studies released by The Lancet. Both showed the potential risk of developing diabetes while using statins. In one study, findings showed that patients using a statin to had a 9% more chance of developing type 2 diabetes. In the other study, results showed that the increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes increased to 38% for patients who were taking Lipitor. Later in January 2012, a study was released by the Archives of Internal Medicine. Findings in this study revealed that there was a possible connection between women who took Lipitor and the onset of type 2 diabetes. Among numerous women who participated in the study, there was a 48% increase in developing the disease in women who were prescribed Lipitor. Recently, a University of Massachusetts Medical School study found a significantly higher risk for postmenopausal women developing type 2 diabetes while taking statins compared to women who were not taking the drug.

For quite some time, medical professionals were aware of some serious Lipitor side effects listed by the FDA such as liver dysfunction, damaged nerves and tendons, heart attack, and myopathy. However, the links between statins and type 2 diabetes have only come to light in recent years. Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys warn patients to continue taking Lipitor until they can consult with their physician for alternatives. In the mean time, serious questions continue to surface regarding the use of statins to treat high cholesterol in postmenopausal women, and patients should contact Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys to be informed of their rights and options.

Contacting Georgia Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys

At Attorney Group for Georgia, our team of Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys is available to help you navigate through the complex legal system of prescription medication. We are dedicated to helping you understand your rights and the necessary steps to securing those rights.

If you or a loved one has suffered from any of the medical conditions mentioned above, or has experienced unusual side effects while on the prescription drug Lipitor, contact Attorney Group for Georgia to be put in touch with Georgia Lipitor lawsuit attorneys as soon as possible. Many factors are at play when we need to protect your rights to recover damages from your injuries. Our affiliated attorneys can determine if your claim is valid and help you understand the steps related to receiving the compensation that you deserve. Contact our offices today for a free, no obligation case evaluation.
