Child-Infant Injury
An Infant Injury occurs every day and sometimes these injuries warrant the consultation of Kentucky Infant Injury Attorneys. Some of the most vulnerable people in our nation are children. Children need constant supervision for protection in situations that can be potentially dangerous because they are not yet able to recognize every harmful situation. If your child was hurt because someone else was negligent, you should speak with an experienced child injury lawyer. If your child suffered an injury at birth due to negligence from medical staff, you should seek legal representation from experienced Kentucky Infant Injury Attorneys.
Possible Causes of Child Injuries
Some childcare facilities can pose dangers to children even though they are specifically designed for children. Caregivers are sometimes negligent, even if just for a few seconds, which can result in child injury when they are not properly supervised. There are some cases where a childcare provider could have a criminal background that went unnoticed through the hiring process of becoming an employee at the daycare center. In cases like these, liability for the child’s injuries could befall on both the caregiver and the facility operator. Possible locations where children could be injured:
- Nursery schools
marcomaccolini81-istock-thinkstock - Day care centers
- After school care programs
- Playgrounds or parks
- Summer or church camps
- School buses
- Sunday school classes
Defective products, even when designed specifically for children’s safety, may also bring harm to a child. Some examples of such products could be:
- Booster seats or car seats
- Bicycle helmets
- Flotation devices for swimming pools
- Paint
- Trampolines
- Riding toys
- Cribs
Car accidents can also bring injuries to children, especially rear end accidents, where most children ride in a car. Adults driving or riding in the front may not sustain any injury or only minor ones, while children could suffer severe injuries from a car wreck.
Kentucky Infant Injury Attorneys
While it is usually best to pursue a claim as soon as possible following an injury, the amount of time you have to make a legal claim regarding child injuries can be longer than adult injury cases. Even if your child suffered an injury from an accident that happened a while back, you should still speak to Kentucky Infant Injury Attorneys. Causes of children’s injuries are often vague and hard to prove who was at fault when they are often denied. In these types of cases, experienced Kentucky Infant Injury Attorneys at Attorney Group for Kentucky can help bring justice to an injured child. Our attorneys believe that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We will make it our goal to help your family gain the necessary financial resources to aid in your child’s recovery so they can be successful in life.