Why Consider Alternatives to Transvaginal Mesh Surgery?

transvaginal mesh surgeryThousands of lawsuits have been filed by women who claim to have experienced side effects and complications from their transvaginal mesh surgery. Transvaginal mesh (TVM) was actually pushed through FDA approval through the use of the 510 (k) clause. This means that, essentially, a manufacturer could bypass clinical trials and human testing by demonstrating proof that a product was essentially a variation of an already-approved product. Consequently, transvaginal mesh was approved by the FDA and put into use in Louisiana and around the country based on its similarity to other internal sling or mesh products.

Complications from Transvaginal Mesh Surgery
Complications and side effects from transvaginal mesh surgery quickly emerged due to the sensitivity of the vaginal soft tissue with which the mesh was in contact. Many women reportedly experienced side effects right away, the most common of which was severe pain in the abdomen, pelvis, or down the legs. Women also experienced infections, tearing, mesh erosion, mesh displacement, and bleeding.

Transvaginal mesh surgery was meant to replace traditional surgery. For many women, the result was the need for additional surgeries to remove the mesh completely due to complications. Doctors often had to operate multiple times to get all of the mesh out. Some lawsuits allege that some doctors were unable to remove the entire mesh and were subsequently forced to leave pieces in.

An Effective Treatment For SUI And POP
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs in women with weakened muscles in the pelvic region. This is often caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Her organs start to descend out of place since the muscles can no longer support them properly. A less invasive way to treat POP is with a vaginal pessary. The pessary is inserted and provides additional support for the organs. The primary benefit of the pessary is the ease with which it can be removed for cleaning or readjustment.

Bladder Slings are reported to work well for treating SUI. They lift the bladder and provide necessary tension on the urethra to help prevent any emissions. Installation through incisions in the abdomen has considerably less risk associated with it than transvaginal mesh surgery.

Do I Need Legal Representation?
Women in Louisiana who have been injured after receiving a TVM implant should consider contacting Attorney Group for Louisiana today. We are providing free, no-obligation consultations to those who have questions about TVM lawsuits. If you decide to pursue a claim, we can connect you with an affiliated attorney who can help you file a lawsuit. Contact us today to learn more.
