Tar From BP Oil Spill in Louisiana Found on Beaches

BP Oil Spill in LouisianaWhether you are struggling with the aftermath of the BP oil spill in Louisiana or you have been affected by a similar incident, you may still be recovering from the damages. In particular, officials reported that beaches, wetlands and estuaries in Louisiana could be affected for decades to come and that oil could potentially linger on the ocean floor for more than a century. Experts assert that, as long as the oil remains on the bottom of the Gulf, it may still potentially wash ashore, causing complications for years to come.

Tar Mats from BP Oil Spill in Louisiana Discovered

The U.S. Coast Guard has recently reported that one spot in particular has yielded over 1.5 million pounds of oily substances – an indication that the oil has affected the water, sand and shells. This is in addition to the 1.79 million pounds previously collected. The ongoing cleanup is still problematic due to the rapid erosion of Louisiana’s coastline. The weathered oil contains hydrocarbon components that are extremely toxic and can potentially threaten wildlife, fish and humans for up to another five decades.

Unfortunately, oil that is not quickly removed may become submerged with sand as the tides progress; they disappear but only temporarily. During Tropical Storm Karen in October 2013, the assessment team in charge of cleaning up the spill had not expected to find evidence of remaining oil. However, the discovery of a large mat yielded 53,000 pounds from one site alone, triggering additional searches. Over 780,000 pounds were found at one site, while yet another yielded 320 pounds and a fourth was not affected by the BP oil spill in Louisiana.

Cleanup teams report that the finds are not new material that has washed ashore. Rather, the tar mats had been buried and resurfaced after tropical storms in 2011 and 2010. Still, it is difficult to separate the clean sand from the oiled material. A thorough investigation was obviously needed after tar mats showed that the oil was so prevalent that some areas of the beach required complete restorations. In total, the program has removed nearly 4.7 million pounds of oil. While most of this weight was sand, the sand was allegedly so saturated with oil that removal was the only way to reduce the likelihood of the materials washing ashore.

Aftermath of Oil Spill

Not only did the BP oil spill in Louisiana affect wildlife and animals, Gulf residents assert that the incident has changed their views on other environmental issues. Results from a Gallup poll indicate that residents living alongside the Gulf have suffered from a decrease in satisfaction and emotional health with their communities in the months following the BP oil spill in Louisiana. Similar results were not reported among residents living further inland. These findings suggest that residents may continue to need enhanced psychological assistance to help them to cope with the aftermath of the incident.

An ABC News report asserted that residents were also reporting emotional, environmental and economic fallout from the BP oil spill in Louisiana, with the majority of residents expressing concern over the long-term effects on seafood safety, tourism and other areas. A poll reported that nearly 75 percent of residents acknowledged that the BP oil spill in Louisiana has negatively affected the area’s economy, and 25 percent of respondents admitted to personal financial damage.

Those who reported anger over the incident were not limited to the Gulf areas; 35 percent of Americans admitted to being angry while 29 were reportedly upset over the incident, similar to the residents in the affected counties, with 40 percent expressing anger and 27 admitting to feeling upset. Those who have been affected either by the BP oil spill in Louisiana or following a similar incident may be entitled to file claims for emotional distress, pain and suffering and other damages.

Have Questions about the BP Oil Spill in Louisiana?

Whether you were directly affected by the BP oil spill in Louisiana or you were involved in another similar event, you may be entitled to file for compensation. Simply because you are dealing with the aftermath of a large company’s negligence does not mean that you do not have legal rights. Contact Attorney Group for Louisiana today for more information about filing a claim and holding the company responsible for any damages you might have incurred.

