Louisiana Stryker Hip Lawsuit Update

Louisiana Stryker Hip LawsuitLouisiana Stryker Hip Lawsuit Update

Many of those who have put their trust in Stryker medical devices, particularly the Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II models, have reportedly dealt with unanticipated consequences that have led to a rise in Stryker hip lawsuit filings. Not all Stryker hip lawsuit filings are the same, but many focus on very similar circumstances — the development of pain and suffering and potentially serious medical conditions as a result of using Stryker metal-on-metal hip devices. The Stryker hip lawsuit filings have emerged from Louisiana and other states across the nation, as residents in Louisiana and beyond have reportedly incurred pain, swelling, infections, and even the infiltration of metal ions into the bloodstream. This is why many patients are seeking legal help in order to file a Stryker hip lawsuit. A Stryker hip lawsuit can help injured parties seek compensation for things such as bills incurred as a result of the defective device, time away from work, and even revision surgery for those that had to have a revision surgery after device failure. Attorney Group for Louisiana is here to help each individual understand their legal rights in their particular situation, as each case is different.

The majority of those who have made Stryker hip lawsuit filings — in Louisiana and elsewhere — have not yet seen a resolution to their Stryker hip lawsuits. In part, the lack of progress for Stryker hip lawsuit filers in Louisiana and elsewhere has reportedly been due to courts being overwhelmed with Stryker hip lawsuit filings. With hundreds of users of the allegedly defective hip replacements in Louisiana and elsewhere pursuing litigation in both state and federal courts, the progress of Stryker hip lawsuit cases has been slow.

But in order to assist in making Stryker hip lawsuit filing progress quicker for residents of Louisiana and other states, a federal judge recently approved the use of multiple standard complaint forms for Stryker implant plaintiffs to use in their cases. The judge, U.S. District Judge Donovan W. Frank, approved the use of a master complaint and a short-form complaint in order to help plaintiffs make more efficient filings in the multidistrict litigation involving Stryker’s hip replacement devices.

The forms approved by Judge Frank allow plaintiffs to easily incorporate the common claims from the master complaints into their own, while the short form complaints allow individual plaintiffs to make specific claims arising from their own personal experiences. The approval of these two new forms should help make it easier for those suffering from Stryker hip replacement injuries to move toward getting compensation for their claims.

Questions? Contact Attorney Group for Louisiana Today

If you are interested in getting involved in Stryker hip litigation or simply want to have more information about your legal options, you can contact Attorney Group for Louisiana. We can help you understand your rights in your unique situation, and connect you to an experienced Stryker attorney that can handle your case and help you seek compensation for damages. Contact us today for your free consultation.
