Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys

ATV Accident Cases

All-terrain vehicles, ATVs, are popular three and four wheeled vehicles that have been used for outdoor work activities and recreation since the 1980s when they were put on the market. Although production of the three wheeled ATVs stopped in 1987 when they were found to be dangerously unstable causing too many rollover accidents and fatalities, the four wheeled ATV industry has not only continued to flourish, but has also advanced to faster speeds with more power attracting even more riders. However, even though these vehicles have a little more stability with four wheels, devastating rollover accidents still happen resulting in traumatic injuries. An estimated 75 percent of ATV accidents end with severe injuries to the head or spinal cord resulting in life threatening or permanent disabilities. It is important to seek legal representation as soon as possible following an ATV accident so an immediate investigation can be started to preserve important evidence and protect your rights. If you or someone you care about has suffered injury from an ATV, Louisiana Attorney Group can match you with experienced Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys to discuss your case and seek justice from responsible parties.

Types of Four Wheeler Accidents

Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys

The most common kinds of ATV accidents are rollovers and collisions, which can both be caused by defects or poor design. Mechanical problems can result in collisions when there are defects in steering or brakes. Rollovers can be due to mechanical failure or poor design if the vehicle does not respond correctly to shifts in speed or incline. Four wheeler accidents often involve traumatic circumstances such as drivers being thrown from the vehicle, hitting other objects and breaking bones; severe burn injuries resulting in permanent scars; rollovers that can crush passengers, injure the spinal cord ending in paralysis; serious brain injuries permanently altering victims’ lives and even death. When these types of accidents cause such tremendous injuries, activities of normal daily living cease, many days are spent in the hospital accumulating large hospital bills, income is lost from the many days of missed work and emotional pain is added to the physical pain.

Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys

You are not alone when you contact us at Louisiana Attorney Group. Our affiliated Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys are here to help you and your family during this stressful time. They will diligently work to hold those responsible accountable for their wrongdoing that led to your pain and suffering by seeking full compensation. If you have lost a loved one in an ATV accident, our member Louisiana Four Wheeler Accident Attorneys will file a wrongful death lawsuit in the pursuit of accountability against any negligent parties.