Could You Be Eligible for an Oklahoma Byetta Lawsuit?

Oklahoma Byetta LawsuitByetta, a prescription medication for type 2 diabetes patients, was initially approved in April 2005 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although many have taken Byetta and reported little or no side effects or adverse complications, others have allegedly suffered from serious and sometimes fatal health conditions. Clinical trials and studies may have also established a relationship between the drug and thyroid and pancreatic cancers.

If you or someone you love have experienced side effects while taking the drug, you may be entitled to file an Oklahoma Byetta lawsuit with the help of an experienced attorney to seek compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses or lost wages that you have incurred as the result of your condition.

What is Byetta?

Byetta falls into a group of medications known as incretin mimetics which work to lower blood sugar levels in those living with type 2 diabetes. The medication stimulates the pancreas to increase insulin production to ensure that patients are better able to manage their condition.

Although the medication has been safely used by many, hundreds of plaintiffs are currently filing claims against the drug’s manufacturer, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, alleging that the company used aggressive marketing tactics to promote Byetta although the medication had not yet been proven to be safe. Additionally, documents indicate that Amylin grossed $700 million in sales since Byetta was first introduced through 2008, and 7 million prescriptions were filled since Byetta was approved in April 2005.

If you have suffered from serious health conditions such as pancreatic or thyroid cancers, you may be entitled to file an Oklahoma Byetta lawsuit and seek compensation for your injuries. Contact an experienced attorney to learn more about your legal rights.

Is Byetta Safe?

According to adverse event reports and studies that have examined the relationship between Byetta and adverse complications, those taking the drug may be six times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who are not. Similarly, a February 2013 study concluded that patients taking Byetta to help their type 2 diabetes conditions were twice as likely to need hospitalization after an acute pancreatitis diagnosis as those who were taking other drugs.

You may be eligible to file an Oklahoma Byetta lawsuit if you have suffered from one or more of the following complications while taking the medication:

  • Kidney damage or renal impairment
  • Allergic reactions
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Immunogenicity
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Chest pain, headaches
  • Hypoglycemia

Is Anyone Filing Byetta Lawsuits?

As more plaintiffs file lawsuits pertaining to incretin mimetics such as Byetta, Janumet, Januvia and Victoza, the decision was recently made to consolidate these claims into one multidistrict litigation (MDL) to proceed in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of California.

According to court documents, the number of claims filed has more than doubled in one month. There were 60 pending lawsuits pertaining to incretin mimetics in September 2013. That number jumped to over 150 by October 2013. Court documents have also indicated that the proceeding’s first bellwether trials have been scheduled so that both plaintiffs and defendants have the opportunity to view how additional cases in the future will pan out.

Need to Learn More about Filing Your Oklahoma Byetta Lawsuit? We Can Help

If you or someone you love was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, kidney failure or thyroid cancer after or while taking Byetta, you may be entitled to file an Oklahoma Byetta lawsuit. At Attorney Group for Oklahoma, we can review your case at no cost to you and answer your questions or concerns about the legal process. We will connect you with an experienced attorney who will handle your Oklahoma Byetta lawsuit from here on out and work to help you seek the compensation to which you may be entitled.

