Endo International to Pay $830 Million to Settle Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Oklahoma-Endo Settlement-Mesh LawsuitsEndo International, a company that manufactures different types of transvaginal mesh (TVM) implants, has dealt with thousands of transvaginal mesh lawsuits regarding alleged pain, suffering, and serious injuries caused by the TVM implants. The company has agreed to pay 830 million dollars to settle a portion of these mesh lawsuits. If you live in Oklahoma and have suffered problems caused by a vaginal mesh implant, you may be eligible to receive compensation.

About Mesh Lawsuits

Endo International sold vaginal mesh implants through American Medical Systems, a subsidiary of the company. The manufacturer received over one thousand reports of adverse problems caused by the mesh implant from 2005 to 2007. From the years of 2008 to 2010, there were approximately 3000 reports of adverse effects. The FDA became involved in 2008 when the agency reportedly issued a warning about the implants that stated complications were not rare. In 2011, the FDA warned that 1 in 10 vaginal mesh implants may fail.

Endo International has stated that paying the $830 million does not mean they are admitting that they are liable. The $830 million will give each complainant about 40,000 dollars, depending on circumstances. Some complainants will be given more or less than this amount depending on the severity of their injuries.

Transvaginal Mesh Implants

Transvaginal mesh implants are used to help people who are suffering from problems such as pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where the organs in the pelvis start to sag into the walls of a woman’s vagina. Vaginal mesh implants, when functioning properly, are supposed to help support drooping organs. Transvaginal mesh lawsuits started being filed when women started experiencing severe pain and injuries after alleged failing of the devices.

Symptoms of Implant Failure

Transvaginal mesh lawsuits are filed after people have suffered serious symptoms allegedly associated with implant failure. Symptoms of implant failure or complications include severe pain, infection, erosion of the mesh implant, organ prolapse, bladder and urinary issues, and perforation of organs near the implant. Many women who have suffered injuries must have surgery to repair the damage or remove the implant. A lot of people have suffered permanent damage and have expensive medical bills. This is why so many vaginal mesh lawsuits have been filed.

Injured? Seek Help From an Oklahoma TVM Attorney Today

If you are a resident of Oklahoma and had a vaginal mesh implant that failed or caused complications, and if you have been injured or suffered any kind of problem, contact Attorney Group for Oklahoma. We can help answer questions you have, we can help you decide if you have a claim, and we can connect you with an affiliated attorney in the Oklahoma area who can provide you with the help you need to file a lawsuit and seek compensation for your injuries.
