Oklahoma Drunk Driver Accidents Lawyers

DUI Defense Attorney in Oklahoma

Your life can be turned upside down in a matter of seconds as a victim of a drunk driving accident. Would you know what to do if it happened to you or your family? Who would you turn to for legal assistance? Who will pay your costly medical expenses including therapy, prescription drugs, extensive treatments or hospital stays or expensive equipment? Who will be able to pay to fix or replace your damaged vehicle? What happens when you have long term injuries and cannot return to work? It is a lot to take in when an unexpected and traumatic accident happens to you or someone you care about. Let our skilled member drunk driving attorneys handle all of these issues for you.

Affiliated attorneys of Oklahoma Attorney Group provide help for victims hit by a drunk driver, injured or disabled people in a drunk driving accident, and for the families of victims killed by a drunk driver in Oklahoma. A car accident that involves a drunk driver differs from other accidents because driving drunk is against the law and also because the accident was likely preventable. Sometimes other accidents cannot be helped, but a drunk driver death or a drunk driver accident could have been prevented had the person obeyed the laws against drinking and driving.

Oklahoma Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys

Oklahoma Attorney Group can help answer all of your questions about Oklahoma drunk driver accidents, and can also help you understand what your rights are as well as the process of seeking monetary compensation for the damage to your property, injuries, lost income, pain, suffering, and medical expenses. It is important that you have an attorney representing you in a drunk driver accident claim that is familiar with Oklahoma drunk driving accident cases. The claim against the drunk driver is for monetary damages, but the local prosecutor could also bring criminal charges to include the possibility of a term in jail.

Protect Your Rights

If you or someone you care about have been hurt or killed in an Oklahoma drunk driver accident, you may have rights to compensation or to recover monies for property damage, injuries, lost wages, medical costs, disability, brain injury, or the death of a family member. Affiliated drunk driver accident attorneys of Oklahoma Attorney Group may be able to provide legal assistance and help to protect your rights in the event of an Oklahoma drunk driver accident. Many times after an accident, insurance adjusters or attorneys who represent the other party may try to get you to give up your rights or make a settlement. Keep in mind that your best interests are not a priority of theirs. Thus, it is important in a drunk driver accident that your interests and your rights are protected by an experienced attorney of your choice. If you or a loved one was hurt or a family member was killed in an Oklahoma drunk driver accident, contact Oklahoma Attorney Group today so our affiliated attorneys can seek to recover the compensation you deserve.