Wright Conserve hip replacement devices were made with a metal-on-metal socket and ball that was intended to last longer than other implants, but unfortunately has resulted in a medical device that is far more dangerous than most recipients could ever have anticipated. Many companies had similar products manufactured to meet the demands of younger patients who wanted a longer lasting artificial hip implant, while in the process threatened these patients’ health with medical devices that have been found in many cases to fail even faster than other traditional models, as well as resulting in severe side effects linked to metal poisoning.
The DePuy ASR hip implant replacement system, which is similar to the Wright Conserve hip system, was recalled in 2010 when it was admitted by DePuy that the dangers of the device might outweigh the benefits. The Wright Conserve hip replacement system ranks just behind DePuy’s ASR when talking about failure rates, which leads experts to wonder if a Wright Conserve recall might be next.
The Wright Conserve hip system is part of a class of medical devices otherwise known as metal-on-metal hips. They consist of a metal ball that rotates within a metal socket. It has been shown by studies that this motion can lead to device failure years before they are supposed to, and eventually require additional revision surgery. Both parts contain cobalt and chromium, which can cause tissue damage, death of bone, and neurological problems when released into surrounding tissue. These symptoms are similar to the issues associated with the recalled DePuy ASR devices. Even though a recall has not yet been issued for the Wright Conserve device, doctors continue to monitor them to figure out if their risks will prove too dangerous for commercial use.
Texas Wright Conserve Hip Recall Attorneys
The serious medical risks that come with a procedure using a Wright Conserve hip replacement system, along with the way Wright marketed and manufactured the devices, have resulted in numerous injured patients filing lawsuits against the company. Those individuals who were implanted with a Wright Conserve hip implant have the right to pursue legal action, but this type of litigation can be a complex process. To navigate successfully through such a case, experience legal representation is needed. Member Texas Wright Conserve Hip Recall Attorneys of Texas Attorney Group are familiar with metal on metal hip device lawsuits and are currently investigating claims. Contact us today to see if you are eligible to pursue a claim seeking monetary compensation for your injuries from a defective medical device.