According to new research, morcellators, devices used to remove fibroids from within the uterus, may cause cancerous cells to spread into the abdomen and throughout a woman’s body. A study concluded that one out of every 368 women who require a hysterectomy procedure are unaware of their risk for uterine cancer. If you or a loved one has developed a life-threatening disease and you feel that a morcellator is to blame, contact Attorney Group for Texas to be connected with a morcellator cancer lawyer today.
Morcellators in Hysterectomy and Myomectomy Procedures
Traditionally, in a hysterectomy or myomectomy procedure to remove uterine fibroids, a surgeon makes incisions in the patient’s body that can range from three to seven inches in length. Through these incisions, a surgeon is able to remove the uterus in one piece. However, women may be left with long scars and be required to recover in the hospital for several days or weeks following the procedure.
The FDA Gets Involved
In 1995, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first morcellator. However, in April 2014, the agency released a warning regarding the potential complications that these devices can cause. The FDA recommended that all surgeons and physicians avoid using morcellators during hysterectomy or myomectomy procedures because these tools may cause life-threatening cancers to develop and spread throughout the patient’s body. Additionally, there is not yet a reliable method for determining whether a patient’s fibroids indicate uterine cancer.
Women may opt for surgery involving a morcellator because these procedures are typically less invasive. The device features a blade that the surgeon uses to cut up the uterus as well as a hollow tube through which the uterine particles leave the body. Women working with a morcellator cancer lawyer claim that, although the morcellators can successfully remove the uterus in small pieces, there is a chance that the tool will not remove all of the organ, and the morecellator may inadvertently spread cancerous tissues into the patient’s stomach and nearby organs. Should this occur, a woman’s long-term chance of survival might be significantly decreased if she develops uterine cancer or other serious health complications.
Women File Morcellator Lawsuits
As a result of complications during surgery, women in Texas may consider working with a morcellator cancer lawyer to pursue a claim for compensation. While the litigation involving morcellators is only in its beginning stages, women have filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Florida, California, and New York. If you developed lelomyosarcoma or had a previously undiagnosed cancer that was aggravated by a hysterectomy or myomectomy, a morecellator cancer lawyer can help you file a lawsuit and guide you throughout the legal process.
Contact a Texas Morecellator Cancer Lawyer Today
If you or a loved one underwent a myomectomy or hysterectomy to remove fibroids in your uterus and the physician used a morcellator during surgery, you may wish to seek legal representation from a Texas morcellator cancer lawyer to learn more about your legal options. Contact Attorney Group for Texas today to receive a free case evaluation to help you determine whether you have a case. If you do, Attorney Group for Texas can connect you with an affiliated morcellator cancer lawyer who can assist you in recovering the damages to which you may be entitled.