Driving while intoxicated, also known as DWI, or driving under the influence, also called DUI, of alcohol and drugs is obviously negligent behavior. Someone who chooses to drive while intoxicated also chooses to put every other person on the road at dangerous risk of injury or death. Although the system of the criminal courts can punish a drunk driver who was the cause of an accident, it does not compensate the victims of a drunk driver. The member drunk driving accident lawyers at Texas Attorney Group are committed to winning significant damage awards for victims of drunk driving accidents throughout Texas. If you are the victim of an accident involving a drunk driver or if someone in your family was killed in a drinking and driving accident, please contact a lawyer at Texas Attorney Group today. Our member Texas Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys will vigorously seek monetary compensation for your injuries.
Compensation for Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents
Victims are able to recover monetary compensation for their injuries and other damages caused by a drunk driver through the civil court system. Our affiliated attorneys can pursue a drinking and driving accident claim and get financial compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, income lost, medical bills, and property damage. If the driver who caused the accident was legally intoxicated, our lawyers can also seek punitive damages for the victim. Punitive damages can substantially increase the amount of compensation a victim of a drunk driving accident receives. These kinds of damages are meant to punish financially and make the drunk driver who caused the accident an example to help prevent future incidents.
If you are a drunk driver victim, you should not discuss your accident with an insurance adjuster until you have first consulted with Texas Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys at Texas Attorney Group. Do not let any conversations be recorded. The goal of an insurance company is to pay as little as possible monetary compensation. Their representatives might persuade you to agree to a cheap and fast settlement offer.
Seeking Justice for Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents
Our affiliated Texas Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys are committed to helping clients recover maximum financial compensation. They work to protect your legal rights and fight for your best interests. They relieve you of the stress of dealing with insurance companies so that you are able to focus on healing from your accident.