Lawn mowers are familiar to anyone who grew up in rural areas or the suburbs. They usually mark the beginning of summer, and often bring up lasting memories of fun summer days and playing outside. Unfortunately though, they can also bring up horrifying memories for victims and their families that suffered traumatic injuries or even death due to a lawn mower accident. Lawn mowers are big and powerful machines with sharp, moving blades that can rotate at speeds up to 200 miles per hour. About 37,000 victims of lawn mower accidents end up in the emergency room at hospitals throughout the United States each year suffering from severe lacerations, crush injuries, broken or fractured bones, burn injuries and amputations. Adults and operators of lawn mowers are not the only ones who are at risk of serious lawn mower accidents. Nearly 10,000 children are seriously injured or killed every year as the result of a lawnmower accident that is oftentimes preventable.
Common Types of Lawn Mower Accidents
Lawn mower accidents can happen when an operator runs over another person, often resulting in severe injuries such as shredded limbs or amputations. Some of the most critical accidents have happened when the operator of a riding mower backs up, does not see someone such as a small child behind him, and the child is run over. Accidents also happen when a mower rolls over, either throwing the operator off and breaking bones, or crushing the operator underneath the heavy machine. Critical injuries may also occur when a blade runs over an object such as a rock or stick propelling it violently into the air. A lawn mower engine can become extremely hot and if a fuel line is faulty, the mower may catch on fire or explode, which can cause severe burn injuries along with permanent scarring. Lawnmower accidents may also happen as a result of a defective part, errors in manufacturing, design flaws, and lack of blade guards or other important safety features. Faulty blades, malfunctioning switches and ruptured fuel lines can all lead to preventable injuries and wrongful deaths. Many lawnmowers are recalled each year because of extremely hazardous defects.
There are several safety features that could be used by manufacturers to make lawn mowers safer, reducing the number of traumatic injuries and deaths due to lawn mower accidents, but unfortunately, many manufacturers are more concerned with making a profit than they are with consumer safety. Roll-over protection systems such as roll bars could help to keep riding lawn mower operators safer from crush and tip over accidents.
Texas Lawn Mower Accident Attorneys
If you or a loved one has been severely hurt or wrongfully killed in a lawn mower accident, the experienced member Texas Lawn Mower Accident Attorneys of Texas Attorney Group can help to investigate the accident and figure out if the negligence from a manufacturer caused the accident. As advocates for consumer safety, our affiliated lawyers believe that if technology for safety features exists, it is the duty of a manufacturer to use it to make their products as safe as possible. Our attorneys understand the pain, devastation, and anguish that a lawn mower accident can cause, and we know you could face enormous medical expenses and possibly expensive funeral costs. Contact Texas Attorney Group today so our affiliated Texas Lawn Mower Accident Attorneys can seek to recover the financial compensation you deserve.