We use a wide variety of manufactured products every day with little thought to the dangers they could possibly pose. Unfortunately, defective products lead to severe injuries or even death for many Americans each year. Companies that produce, design and sell products are obligated to make them safe or give proper warnings about inherent dangers. If they fail to fulfill this obligation, they must compensate the injured victims of their defective product. Our affiliated Texas Product Liability Lawyers at Texas Attorney Group have experience in litigation and are dedicated to helping those who have suffered a life-altering injury due to an unsafe product. They can help you get the monetary compensation you deserve if a defective product is at fault for your injuries.
Defective Products Lawsuits
It is unfortunate that there are some companies who put a priority on profits over people’s safety, thus, rushing products to market without sufficient safety testing or using less expensive alternatives in design materials. In some cases, the production lines of manufacturers may lack necessary quality controls which allows defective products to be put on the marketplace. Some products are unsafe in nature but very useful, such as lawn mowers and power tools, but they are defective when a manufacturer fails to give proper warnings about possible dangers associated with that product or they fail to give complete instructions on the proper way to use the product in the safest manner. Products liability lawsuits usually arise from defects in design, defects in manufacturing or failing to provide proper warnings of possible dangers. When a consumer suffers an injury due to a product defect, Texas law allows lawsuits to be filed for damages. A lawsuit for a defective product can be brought against the seller, manufacturer, or designer. Under law, sellers and manufacturers of defective products are held liable for injuries and damages caused by a product’s defect.
Contact Our Texas Product Liability Lawyers
In a defective products lawsuit, it is key to establish that the source of the victim’s injury was a product defect. It is crucial to preserve the defective product in the condition it was in when the injury occurred. It is also often necessary to have the product inspected by experts to see how it should have been made safer. The member Texas Product Liability Lawyers of Texas Attorney Group have the necessary resources to help you file a product liability lawsuit with successful results to recover damages for your injuries. Our member Texas product liability attorneys can help you navigate through the confusion and stress that follows a serious injury. You can expect compassion, respect, and care from our member Texas Product Liability Lawyers who have helped numerous injured victims like you recover not only the money they deserve, but also their lives.