Top 7 Mistakes Made After a Car Wreck | Florida Car Wreck Lawyer

Florida Car Wreck LawyerWhether you have been involved in an accident and would like to learn how to protect yourself or you would simply like information from a Florida car wreck lawyer so that you are prepared in such an event, consult Attorney Group for Florida’s list of mistakes to avoid after a car accident and contact Attorney Group for Florida if you have questions about your case.

  1. Forgetting to file a police report. Even in a more minor accident, it is always important to inform law enforcement of the incident to start a paper trail. A police report will be the first documentation that you will receive pertaining to the accident, and you can use it as evidence to support your case.
  2. Saying “yes” to an insurance offer. While a quick settlement may appeal to you, the amount offered may not be enough to cover your injuries or losses. By accepting an insurance offer, your case will be closed, and you could be unable to seek compensation for your condition at a later date.
  3. Losing control of your emotions. It is important to stay calm and collected in any type of accident. While it might be difficult and you are likely scared or worried, always treat the police officer and other parties with respect. Always answer the officer’s questions honestly without voluntarily offering information.
  4. Failing to tell your insurance company. You must inform your insurance provider of the incident if you wish to pursue a claim with the company. While some may fear that their premiums will rise, it is important to be honest with your insurance and keep proper documentation.
  5. Announcing the accident on social media. In some rare cases, the insurance adjuster or defendant may attempt to catch you in a lie and prove that the accident was your fault. Be careful not to publicize the incident or admit to anything on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media networks.
  6. Failing to photograph the accident site. Take pictures of the cars, damages, injuries, accident scene, and any other piece of evidence that you feel can support your case and refresh your memory about the incident. Consider keeping a disposable camera in your car so that you have a way to document the incident if your phone does not have a camera or has a low battery.
  7. Turning away medical care. While you might feel that your injuries do not need medical treatment, if they develop or worsen over time, you will need to prove that they stemmed from the accident. A physician’s report can be an invaluable piece of evidence in your claim if you attempt to pursue a claim in the future.

A Florida Car Wreck Lawyer Can Help

Contact Attorney Group for Florida today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident. A Florida car wreck lawyer can investigate your case and help you determine if you are eligible to recover damages for your injuries or losses. If you decide to pursue a claim, we can connect you with an affiliated lawyer who can help you seek the compensation to which you may be entitled.
