Florida GranuFlo Lawsuits- What Are Your Legal Options?

Florida Granuflo LawsuitsRecent court documents show that more than 300 lawsuits have been filed against Fresenius USA, Inc in Massachusetts, and Florida GranuFlo lawsuits are expected to rise in response to recent rulings as well. The recent suits allege that the manufacturer knew about the risks that are associated with dosing errors but did not inform patients and medical centers about the dangers associated with an increased chance of a heart attack. Florida GranuFlo lawsuits allow victims to recover damages for their pain and suffering, and they also help hold the responsible firm accountable for their actions.

The documents that were filed as part of the suit allege that dialysis patients and or their survivors have suffered as a result of cardiopulmonary arrest and injuries that arose from treatment with GranuFlo. Suits seek financial compensation for wrongful injury or death because the company performed its own study in which 940 patients suffered death as a result of a sudden cardiac arrest.

Granuflo is a product that is used during dialysis, and it helps to maintain the body’s bicarbonate levels. The bloodstream’s bicarbonate level is essential to dialysis because it neutralizes the acid that accumulates in a patient’s circulatory system. The issue in Florida GranuFlo lawsuits is that Fresenius issued recommendations for its products at the clinics that it operates, but the firm did not offer the same recommendations to healthcare professionals at other dialysis clinics. In addition, Florida GranuFlo lawsuits allege that the company should have known about the risks of heart attack. During treatment, some patients experience an elevated danger of death that is unique to those who use GranuFlo, and the risks may be as high as 6 or 8 times that of other dialysis patients. Patients may suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest while receiving dialysis, or they can encounter problems up to two days later.

The Food and Drug Administration only found out about the recommendations on alkali dosing errors when an anonymous memo was given to the agency. Because of the memo, the FDA announced a recall of the product in March 2012.

Florida GranuFlow Lawsuits

If you or someone who you know has been injured after using Fresenius’ healthcare products, you may be eligible for compensation with Florida GranuFlo lawsuits if a connection is established. Attorney Group for Florida takes your health seriously, and we’re here to discuss your concerns and help you decide if Florida GranuFlo lawsuits are right for you. Because there is a limited period of time to file your initial pleadings, it is essential to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Our affiliated attorneys are waiting to answer your questions about Florida GranuFlo lawsuits, and we’ll discuss your particular concerns wile helping you decide if filing a claim is right in your situation. Contact Attorney Group for Florida today for more information on Florida GranuFlo lawsuits.
