Florida Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys Warn of Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Florida Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys

Lipitor is from a class of medications called statins. It is frequently prescribed to treat high cholesterol. Lipitor works by preventing the liver from producing an enzyme that raises LDL, or bad cholesterol. Not only does it lower bad cholesterol, but it also helps raise good cholesterol. Lipitor is manufactured by Pfizer, and it has been on the market ever since 1996. Ever since this drug first hit the market, it has made over $125 billion in sales. This medication is approved for adults and children who are over the age of 10. However, Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys know another side of the drug of which patients need to be made aware.

Lipitor has received a lot of negative attention during recent years because it has been shown to increase the risk of serious health conditions. Health professionals have noted that Lipitor can increase the risk of heart disease, cognitive damage, nerve damage, and muscle damage. Although those side effects are rare, they are still a cause for concern.

Lipitor is once again making headlines because it has been shown to potentially increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. People are warned to not stop taking this medication unless they are advised to by their doctor. However, questions have been raised about whether this drug is safe to take. If you have developed type 2 diabetes in the wake of being prescribed Lipitor, calling Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys for a free consultation is a smart first step in the process of determining whether or not you might have a case against the manufacturer.


Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneysThere was a study done by the University Of Massachusetts that examined the link between statin use and diabetes risk. The study followed 154,000 women from 1993 to 2005. The mean age of the women was 63. At the end of the study, 10,200 women had developed type 2 diabetes. The researchers took into account other factors that can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, such as weight, age, and lifestyle. After researchers took those factors into consideration, they found that post-menopausal women who use Lipitor are 46% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, many of the subjects who developed type 2 diabetes had a BMI under 25. The findings of this study have been crucial for the cases of Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys and others like them.

Food And Drug Administration Mandates Label Change

The findings of this study prompted the Food and Drug Administration to issue a drug safety communication in Febraury 2012. They also mandated label changes for Lipitor and other statins that warn of this previously-unknown side-effect. Additionally, the FDA informed people of the risks associated with using this drug during the announcement.

The medical community was shocked to find out that Lipitor can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Many experts are calling for more research done to examine the link between type 2 diabetes and Lipitor. Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is the director of women and heart disease at the Lenox Hill Hospital, which is located in Bronx, New York. She agrees that more research needs to be conducted because statins are widely used among post-menopausal women. Steinbaum also believes that it is important for women to check their blood sugar on a regular basis and get liver functioning tests. Preemptive measures are key and, if you believe you are experiencing the early symptoms of type 2 diabetes, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Calling your medical provider and getting in contact with Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys are wise decisions in light of these developments.

How Florida Lipitor Lawsuit Attorneys Can Help

If you have suffered a serious side effect while using Lipitor, then you should contact your doctor first. You should never stop taking a medication without speaking to your doctor first because that can be very dangerous. After you speak to your physician, you should contact Attorney Group for Florida.

These Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys affiliated with Attorney Group for Florida will examine your case and, if they determine that you have a legitimate case, they will work hard to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve. Keep in mind that there are a number of factors that the Florida Lipitor lawsuit attorneys will have to take into consideration in order to determine whether you have a legitimate case. Statutes of limitations may apply, so contact us today.
